Results for: chuck schumer

Manchin and Murkowski Seek to Form a Bipartisan Coalition on Voting Rights…seek-to-form-a-bipartisan-coalition-on-voting-rights-n382061
– Manchin and Murkowski sent a joint letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader ChuckSchumer, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell citing the unanimous passage of the Voting Right’s Act of 2006, and that a reauthorization…
Muslim Actress as Hamas Rains Rockets on Israel: 'I Would Have Killed All the Jews of the World'…israel-i-would-have-killed-all-the-jews-of-the-world-n379056
– OK, this just in from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, CNN, MSNBC, and leftists across the fruited plain in reaction…
Sinema Infuriates Liberals With What She Did During Jan. 6 Commission Vote…erals-with-what-she-did-during-jan-6-commission-vote-n388294
– Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s clock; Schumer couldn’t even get into the game. … In a vote that needed all hands on deck, Schumer was missing two people – Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Sen.…
How Many Times Does He Have to Say "No"? Joe Manchin Is Not Going to Eliminate the Filibuster…joe-manchin-is-not-going-to-eliminate-the-filibuster-n386394
– the radical left-wingers in the House by eliminating the filibuster, his 50th vote to pass legislation would have to compete with Chuck … It would end Manchin’s ability to block bad Democrat-supported legislation where he’s confident Schumer can never muster 60 votes without…
Biden Hints That Bipartisan Participation Could Change Course of Infrastructure Bill…icipation-could-change-course-of-infrastructure-bill-n385991
– As soon as he doesn’t get what he wants, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will push it through on a party-line vote, and put in…
Wanna Make $200K Working Just Two Days a Week? Biden's Border Crisis Has Got You Covered!…days-a-week-bidens-border-crisis-has-got-you-covered-n393950
– The Democrat Party Knows It While Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the entirety of the Democrat Party … … — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 5, 2021 Let’s assume they can, for argument’s sake.…
The Senate Parliamentarian Just Ripped the Heart out of the Democrat Agenda…ian-just-ripped-the-heart-out-of-the-democrat-agenda-n390126
Schumer and his merry band can’t force through things on a simple 50-50 vote. … Chuck Schumer recently claimed the Senate parliamentarian gave him free rein, yet that decision has not been made public, and there … The GOP must buckle down and stand in the gap to stop the radical agenda Schumer and his allies are pushing for.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: And the Beat Goes On…
– Per a report in TGP, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have direct ties to two … Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), through the auditors themselves. … appointed by former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D) in 2008 and was re-affirmed by then-Senate Minority now Majority Leader Schumer
'Scholars' Release 'Statement of Concern' Declaring 'Democracy' Dead in America Unless Nancy Pelosi's Election Power Grab Is Passed…a-unless-nancy-pelosis-election-power-grab-is-passed-n389831
– Enormous pressure is being placed on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to get rid of the filibuster or engage in other legislative … While posing as a plea for transparent elections, the clown-car are merely shills for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.…
Chuck Schumer: The Weakest Man In Washington
– That man is Chuck Schumer. The Senator from New York is, essentially, the leader of the Senate. … Schumer sort of fell into the position when Harry Reid decided to retire from the Senate. … , and part of it will be due to a lack of effective leadership from Schumer.…
McConnell Unlikely to Allow Vote on Supreme Court Vacancy if Majority Leader Again While Biden In Office…cancy-if-majority-leader-again-while-biden-in-office-n396894
– left-wing Democrats to push Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer into retirement while the Senate remained under the control of ChuckSchumer and the Democrats. …
Democrat Self-Interest in Re-Election Overtakes Desire to Pass the Socialist-Progressive Legislative Agenda…to-pass-the-socialist-progressive-legislative-agenda-n394662
– I found much humor in the headline of this story yesterday in The Hill:  “Some Democrats Wonder When Schumer Will Get Tough With Manchin … Chuck Schumer spent two decades in the Senate waiting to become the majority leader and he’s not going to flush that down the toilet … Schumer.…
Joe Manchin Is Driving His Own Party Insane
Chuck Schumer has been around the block long enough to understand that blowing up the filibuster would be a disaster for his party … It’s one thing to take the fall for Chucker Schumer in the Senate over the filibuster.…
Joe Manchin, the Filibuster, and Failure Theater
– Harris’s vote suddenly becomes vital is Chuck Schumer makes a concerted push to eliminate the filibuster forever. … Keep in mind that even though Mitch McConnell has much more experience at Failure Theater than Chuck Schumer, Schumer is a much superior … His decision is much more focused on West Virginia politics than it is on anything Chuck Schumer wants to do—assuming, of course, that…
Octogenarian Dianne Feinstein Disappoints on Filibuster Reform, and the Left Discovers a Need for Term Limits…reform-and-the-left-discovers-a-need-for-term-limits-n394961
– that Biden’s agenda is on the line and looking to tap out, nuking the filibuster has become even more critical to Majority Leader ChuckSchumer (D-Feckless).…
The Myth of the Stolen Election
– People like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton were propped up with Trump contributions, so that they could go on and…
Donald Trump's History Of Funding the Sanctuary City Movement Politicians
– His support for Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsome is just like the money he gave to Rahm Emmanuel, Rod Blagojevich, Chuck Schumer, Harry…
Cleaning Up The Mess Trump Supporters Have Made Of The Internet
– candidates elected to office, unlike Trump who finances the GOP establishment(Mitch McConnell) and the worst of the liberal Democrats(ChuckSchumer, Rahm Emanuel).…
New Ted Cruz Ad For New York Ties Donald Trump To Democrats And Corruption
– He gave $64,000 to Andrew Cuomo, helped elect and re-elect New York mayor David Dinkins, and donated $8,900 to Chuck Schumer, one of…
Ted Cruz Co-Sponsors Legislation To Help Return Art Stolen By Nazis
– Referring to his co-sponsors—Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn, who introduced the bill in April; New York Democratic Senator ChuckSchumer; and Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal—Cruz said, “There are many issues on which the sponsors of this legislation…
SHOCKER: Sean Hannity Endorses Political Opponent of Donald Trump
– Trump’s allies and endorse his opponent this way:   “Proud to endorse fellow New Yorker @WendyLongNY against #CorruptChuck Schumer … Just based on his actions, though, Trump is pro-Schumer. … The only reasonable thing for every Republican to do in this Senate race is to support Donald Trump’s candidate, Chuck Schumer.…
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