NEW: Jake Tapper's Response to Nancy Pelosi's Cutthroat Remarks About Biden Was Something Else

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I wrote on Monday about the nasty move that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made to shove Joe Biden out the door, reportedly threatening to publicly trash him and humiliate him with polling data that he was going to lose. 


Pelosi has also indicated that she and Biden hadn't spoken since her move against him. 

So it was going to be interesting to see what Pelosi did on the first night of the DNC, the night that was supposed to be dedicated to honoring Biden. The night turned out to be mostly about Donald Trump, He trumped Biden even with the Democrats in terms of coverage. So much for Biden's more than 50 years. 


The Nasty Move Pelosi Reportedly Made to Push Biden Out

Most of Monday Night Was Spent Defining Trump. Very Little Was About the Future.

Pelosi gave an interview with CNN during the evening before Biden spoke where they asked her about what she did to Biden. CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked if she had talked to Joe Biden about all this. Her response was pretty cutthroat. 

"I did what I had to do," she replied during the segment, sounding like a Mafia boss who had taken out someone challenging her power. "He made the decision for the country. My concern was not about the president, it was about his campaign."


Pretty cold. Translation: she didn't care about him or throwing aside the votes of more than 14 million people, she knew they were in big trouble and he was going to lose. So much for the folks who claim to care about "democracy." You're still going to lose, Nancy, and this will all be for naught. 

What Tapper then said was something else.

"Nobody is questioning the fact that the Democratic Party seems much better positioned right now than it did 4 weeks and 2 days ago, there’s no question about that," Tapper said.

"So why are we even talking about it?" Pelosi asked.

"They put it in my script and made me read it," he replied. 

What a weak noodle response from Tapper. Maybe you do it because you're supposed to be a journalist, man, and they just did a coup, disregarding the votes of millions. Maybe it matters when Democrats, the hypocrites that they are try to manipulate the election. Maybe it matters because this isn't supposed to be the way the system works. Maybe you should ask questions on behalf of the people and your job which is what reporters are supposed to do? 


Then, when Biden was speaking, they finally had a chant for old Joe, and the camera at one point went to Pelosi, sitting in the audience. 

She joined in the chant but she was looking down and didn't look particularly into it, perhaps knowing what a hypocrite she was. I'd say that she looks like she has a guilty conscience, but I don't think she has one of those. 


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