NEW: The Nasty Move Pelosi Reportedly Made to Push Biden Out

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

We already knew that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was ruthless. But her moves in regard to Joe Biden truly prove that she will do anything for power, even throwing "democracy" and an old friend under the bus in the process. 


We've heard from her a bit on the subject already about what she did and said to Biden. 

READ MORE: Pelosi Has a Major Brain Break Live on Air, Makes Damning Admission About Effort to Shove Biden Aside

WATCH: Pelosi's Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden

Now, a new report from multiple sources reveals how nasty she was in her approach. 

Pelosi sent an urgent message to the 81-year-old president last month while he was still nursing his COVID-19 infection at his Delaware beach house, insiders told the Daily Mail.

Pelosi reportedly threatened to publicly trash her longtime friend and political ally if he continued to ignore thunderous calls to drop out of the 2024 election over fears for his cognitive abilities, four sources close to the campaign told the outlet.

Pelosi threatened to go public with her belief that her fellow Democrat wouldn’t beat the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump, in a rematch — and threatened to release humiliating polling data to back it up, the sources alleged.

On top of COVID and/or the "medical event" he had in Las Vegas that they won't talk to us about. 


READ MORE:  BREAKING: Las Vegas Police Recordings Released From Biden's Medical Event and Code 3 Transport to Airport

Biden Finally Speaks Out on Demise of Reelection Campaign, Mentions Pelosi's Role

This new report does seem to fit with what Biden has said on the matter and reports that he was privately fuming. Notice here he talks about why he did it, how the media would be talking about what "Nancy Pelosi" had to say, and how he would hurt the other Democrats. 

No, he didn't quit because it would be a distraction. He quit because he was afraid they were going to savage him — because he knew enough about Nancy Pelosi and how she works. He knew that she would crank up the nasty to do him in, and he didn't want to upset the perception he has of his legacy in his mind. 

So much for decades of "friendship" or the voters' votes. Even The New York Times' Maureen Dowd was calling it a "coup." Meanwhile, Pelosi tells the public he is so consequential that he deserves to be on Mount Rushmore. It shows how nothing that Democrats have to say is trustworthy; it's just about saying or doing anything to hold onto power. It's hard to believe how anyone could watch how all this has unfolded and vote for any of these people, in addition to all the bad policies they have put in play to hurt the American people. 


Just to show what hypocrites they are, they're planning on giving him a big send-off on Monday night. Then they'll go full tilt to try to distance Kamala Harris from the failures of the Biden-Harris administration, which will be a neat trick. 


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