Politico Gets Mocked Into Next Week for How They Just Described Biden Prior to His DNC Speech

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Democrats and their acolytes in the media really have no respect for the intelligence of the American people. 

The same media that helped to shove Joe Biden out is finally reporting honestly about his cognitive decline after ignoring it for such a long time. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) threatened to publicly trash him and release the polls showing how badly he was doing if he didn't step aside, according to the most recent report.


READ MORE:  NEW: The Nasty Move Pelosi Reportedly Made to Push Biden Out

But once he gave in to the coup, we're now supposed to believe them as they turn on a dime and praise him again. Check out how Politico just referred to him as they report on the speech he's supposed to give on Monday night at the Convention to effectively close out his political career. 

Someone is going to have to help me with that one -- how exactly is this horrible guy a hero? The utter gall of even trying to sell that. You don't shove aside a "hero" or threaten him out of the race. You don't try to sell someone who has so failed the American people as a hero. 

“He’s going to get an incredible reception,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), a staunch Biden ally, said ahead of his convention-opening speech Monday that will now effectively double as the president’s pass-the-torch moment. “But I’m sure it’s very complicated. I know it’s very complicated.”

"It's complicated." Yes, that's what they say when the relationship isn't working out. 


It “will be emotional,” said one senior Democrat close to party leadership. “People will cry.” But asked if anyone will feel regret for pushing Biden aside, the Democrat was unequivocal. “No.”

That pretty much says it all. 

Both Biden and his wife are speaking on Monday. I don't know why Jill is speaking (except perhaps because she's the real power behind the throne in this whole mess). She owes us a huge apology for what has been done to the country. 

According to the report, the Biden team is still frustrated with Barack Obama, and as we reported, Biden's relationship with Pelosi is not good after her part in trying to shove him aside.

“There’s a lot of strain there,” said one Democrat familiar with the relationship between Biden and Pelosi.

Is it wrong to have a secret wish that Biden would just flame them all during his speech, expose what they did, and go out in a blaze of vitriol? 

It sounds like he is basically going to throw them over once he speaks because he's off to California for a week of more vacation after that. So much for campaigning for Kamala. 


People mocked the effort to sell this to us. 


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