At Disastrous G7 Presser, Biden Gives Garbled Answer on Hunter, Snaps at Reporter

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

So far, Joe Biden has had a day of confusion in Fasano, Italy, at the G7. 

This video of Biden wandering off and looking at something else, then Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni going to corral him and having to babysit him, pretty much said it all for most of the day. 


But he has been wandering in confusion since he landed, saying weird things and needing assistance from the other leaders. 

More Bumbling Confusion From Biden at the G7 Opens Up Big Questions About the Debate

WATCH: Biden Has Trouble Immediately Upon Landing in Italy

Biden's Awkward, Embarrassing Moments With Other Leaders at G7

Biden Makes Weird Comments - and Incredibly Lengthy Commitment to Ukraine - at G7

Then Biden had a press conference with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky, where they signed the agreement. So, supporting Ukraine not just now but with no end in sight and no goal as to what would end the spigot of money/weapons flooding out to them. Of course, they came out over an hour late for the presser.

Part of what they agreed to was to use interest from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine. But Biden had difficulty explaining that. 


G7 Agrees to Confiscate Russian Assets to Fund Reparations For Putin's War in Ukraine

He confused the rest of Europe with Russia.

He had brain breaks, including this one, while he was speaking. 

The two men then took two questions from U.S. reporters and two from Ukrainian reporters, or "supporters" as Biden initially called them. 

Biden already had the names of the people he would be calling on and then read from his notes in response to the first question. But then they took a few more questions. 

The first question was about what he thought of the conviction of his son Hunter — it's wild that he's reading from notes for this. 

Biden said he was "extremely proud" of his son, that he's "overcome an addiction," and said he was one of the "brightest, most decent men I know." Boy, isn't that an indictment of every man he knows if that's true? He said he was "satisfied that I'm not going to do anything. I said I'd abide by the jury decision, and I'm not going to pardon him." 


He's satisfied he's not going to do anything? How messed up is this guy? 

Zelensky spoke about the "$50 billion loan" to Ukraine that the G7 agreed to. 

Then Biden snapped at a reporter because he had the temerity to ask about Hamas, something that wasn't supposed to be a topic, according to their "deal" that Biden said they had. 

"I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit," saying he was only supposed to talk about Ukraine. Translation: He wasn't ready for the question and couldn't answer it fully. But he said he laid out an approach, but it's been rejected by Hamas. 

Biden slipped in an attack on Republicans because they held up the vote, saying that was "just terrible." 


How dare anyone want accountability?! He should just get to do whatever he wants in his obsession with paying off Ukraine. 

After a few questions, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that was it and the two men then shuffled off into the night. 

Editor's Note: This article was updated post-publication for clarity.


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