Biden Makes Weird Comments - and Incredibly Lengthy Commitment to Ukraine - at G7

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, POOL

Joe Biden is in Italy for a quick couple of days at the G7. 

Right off the plane, he had some embarrassing moments, having to be redirected after he walked out with a vacant look on his face, followed a bit later by an awkward salute to the Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni and the need for direction from other leaders about where to go. He also isn't attending a dinner planned for the leaders, with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying it was because he had a "jam-packed" schedule. (So do the other leaders, but they're going.) Biden is also accompanied by all of Hunter's adult children on this trip, as well as granddaughter Naomi's husband. 


WATCH: Biden Has Trouble Immediately Upon Landing in Italy

Biden's Awkward, Embarrassing Moments With Other Leaders at G7

WH's Awful Response to Questions About Commuting Hunter's Sentence,
Who's Traveling With Biden to Italy

Here's a little more on the effort to help Joe, from the other leaders. 

But now he is sitting down and supposedly doing work with the other leaders. 

How can you identify Joe? By the shuffle, watch as you see him behind Meloni. 

But then they got down to business. Biden shook hands with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and began reviewing his prepared script for the meeting. 

Biden plans to sign a 10-year agreement to ensure that Ukraine has military equipment and weapons to deal with Russia. 

Ten years? Is he kidding? How long do they expect this to go on? What is the endgame here? There appears to be none, just an endless pouring out of money to Ukraine, with no precise goals or determination when this all stops. 


"We want to demonstrate that the U.S. supports the people of Ukraine, that we stand with them, and that we’ll continue to help address their security needs not just tomorrow but out into the future," National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Air Force One.

"If Vladimir Putin thinks that he can outlast the coalition supporting Ukraine, he’s wrong," Sullivan added.

Meanwhile, he shows no real concern for our own security, with our own border a mess since he took office. And while Russia is making moves near Cuba, he doesn't seem concerned about that. 

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Biden spoke during the meeting and it was an exercise in weirdness. He spoke about the "ocean train." 

It's all a bit muddled, what he's trying to say here. 

He was slurring, and what he said probably isn't true, but if you have to listen very closely to understand what he's saying, there's a problem. This is why people are saying that when he talks, what he says is sometimes indecipherable. 


Then he tripped all over himself when he was talking about investments by companies like BlackRock. 

This is definitely going to be a challenging couple of days for Biden, and he's already off to a bad start. 


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