Biden Goes So Over the Edge at Event, He Freaks out Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Joe Biden’s issues just seem to be getting worse and worse. Yet they have him out and about and don’t seem to care as much as they once did about heading off the issues he is constantly presenting. Among his concerning actions this week, he made a racist remark about airline seats, he got lost on the White House lawn, and he claimed that there were “eight bullets in a round.”


But they had Biden out in Pennsylvania again, pushing for Democratic candidates. John Fetterman is so desperate he’s willing to risk Biden coming out on his behalf. Biden spoke at the Pennsylvania Democratic Party’s annual Independence Dinner. He was there with Kamala Harris.

Biden tried to argue that they had made “progress” but then his “progress” was just a big fat lie. He claimed that they’d brought gas prices down since he came into office — just demonstrably false. Gas is much higher than it was since he came into office and everyone knows it.

Yet that doesn’t stop him from lying about it.

He can’t seem to stop calling Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA), “Mary Kay.”

He’s done that multiple times.

He also got Paul Pelosi’s name wrong.


Biden was, however, finally honest about the Inflation Reduction Act, calling it the “Inflation Act” and noting that no Republicans voted for it.

Of course not — why would Republicans vote for something that would likely increase inflation and was just a warmed-over Green New Deal-lite?

Then it got really bad.

Biden spoke about going to all the “54 states” in 2018.

At least that’s three fewer than Barack Obama had when he claimed there were “57 states.” How do we have someone in office who doesn’t even know how many states we have in this country? At this point, it isn’t funny, it’s dangerous. Biden went to four states that didn’t exist including the state of delusion. This is like when he claimed he passed a law over the student debt bailout when in fact he had only signed an executive order — it’s completely contrary to reality.

At the end of his remarks, Biden went to the end of the stage and made a motion as though to jump off the stage. Look at Kamala Harris as she first appears terrified and then decides to play it off as a joke halfway through. The look on her face is something else.


Even after he doesn’t jump, you can still see her concerned he might, or that he might fall off the stage, as she reaches out to him. She seems to indicate to him to get away from the edge of the stage.

We need to be talking about the 25th Amendment. Democrats have tried to delay it as long as possible but I think after the midterms, they’re going to pull the string and try to get him out of there. You wonder why the wave is going to be huge for the Republicans? This is one big reason why.


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