Biden Called Lifting Restrictions/Mask Mandates in Texas 'Neanderthal Thinking,' They Showed How Wrong He Was

(AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)

So many on the left were predicting disaster for Texas after Republican Governor Greg Abbott lifted any remaining Wuhan coronavirus restrictions from the government and eliminated the mask mandate.


Texas announced on March 2 that it would take effect March 10.

Immediately, Joe Biden slammed Abbott’s decision as “Neanderthal thinking.”

From Fox News:

“We’ve been able to move that all the way up to the end of May to have enough [vaccines] for every American, to get every adult American to get a shot,” Biden told reporters from the White House earlier this month. “The last thing we need is the Neanderthal thinking.”

So how has that “Neanderthal thinking” worked out? Has the state fallen to all the increased virus cases?


The number of new cases has continued to go down, according to Worldometers and the state’s own records.

The governor championed his state’s success in a Friday night tweet saying, “Today Texas recorded the lowest 7-day COVID positivity rate since that data began being calculated: 5.43%.”

Fox News continued:

“We also recorded the largest daily number of vaccines administered to Texans: 342,849. More Texans getting vaccines will keep down the positivity rate,” he said, though adding that receiving the vaccine was “always voluntary.”


As of Friday, there were 500 fewer new cases than last week, according to the Texas health department, with only 2,239 new cases. This, while some other places who are still under restrictions have had their cases go up.

Looks like Joe Biden is going to have to eat those words about ‘Neanderthal thinking.’ Sure looking like the Neanderthals might have been right here.

Our friends over at Hot Air suggest there may be a few factors at work operating here, including that the weather in the South has been very nice and has been allowing people to get outside in the sun, and that people are wearing masks anyway, whether there’s a mandate or not.

But while this is great news for the country in general, this is bad news for folks like Biden who keep wanting to assert control, hype a continuing crisis, and keep us restricted seemingly in perpetuity.


Who’s the ‘Neanderthal’ now, Joe?


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