Antifa rioted in Portland last night, tried to set up an autonomous zone and tried to burn a precinct down. But it isn’t even being covered on national news.
Antifa & BLM rioters have amassed outside the @PortlandPolice North Precinct. They’re vandalizing the property. Here, they spray paint the security camera to cheers and applause from the mob. Police are observing but not responding. pic.twitter.com/JML6wbrWxa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
Antifa rioters have brought barricades & stolen property to build walls outside Portland Police North Precinct. They're occupying the space & trying to recreate another autonomous zone like the one they did outside Ted Wheeler's condo. A separate mob is demonstrating downtown.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
Antifa rioters in north Portland are throwing things into their street fire to make it grow bigger. @PortlandPolice stand back and watch from a distance. Rioters have a huge banner that reads, “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground.” pic.twitter.com/khHrL0gfBj
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
This is literally a Dante’s Inferno, an effort to burn our society down. Call them what they are: terrorists.
North Portland looks like a war zone right now. Antifa militants tried to establish an autonomous zone outside the @PortlandPolice North Precinct. They then started fires in the street. pic.twitter.com/dDar43Lvl7
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
More footage of the antifa riot in north Portland earlier today. They started fires, smashed buildings, looted and vandalized. pic.twitter.com/Z9Q6SoQBaK
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
.@PortlandPolice finally dispersed antifa rioters after a long night and early morning of violence & arson attacks in north Portland. It started with an autonomous zone occupation at the north precinct before devolving into street fires & looting. pic.twitter.com/PTk1tPotjL
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
Antifa militants occupied an attempted “autonomous zone” around the @PortlandPolice North Precinct last night. They barricaded off the area with stolen property. They sprayed extremist messages on the building calling for police to be murdered. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/WqCMlJwjCB
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
Overnight, antifa rioters attacked the @PortlandPolice North Precinct, then started large fires in the street. They said they were doing it for the BLM cause. Others looted in the area. It took many hours before police managed to disperse the violent mob of a couple hundred. pic.twitter.com/yTpBUmxuDH
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
Photos of the aftermath of last night’s violent antifa riot & arson attacks at & near the @PortlandPolice North Precinct.
They sprayed graffiti saying, “Protests are effective when they are expensive” and “Capitalism kills.” pic.twitter.com/Qad63paIg1
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 26, 2020
It started as it generally does with a “protest” which the devolved into insanity.
Hundreds gathered trying to set up an autonomous zone at the police precinct. They began erecting a fence on the south side of the North Precinct, blocking traffic in the street, and moving other items like dumpsters into place around the precinct to use as barricades. They then began throwing things at the police including glass bottles.
According to KATU 2, some then started ramming the garage doors of the precinct, trying to get in. When they couldn’t they began barricading the doors so police couldn’t get out of the building and yelled they were “going to burn the building down.”
That wasn’t an idle threat. They launched a mortar onto the roof of the building and set the north side of the precinct on fire, KATU 2 reported.
Antifa folks also continued to assault the police who were outside, throwing fireworks at them and shooting them with paintball rounds.
Finally the police fired tear gas to disperse them.
Several officers were injured in the attack, one seriously. Several businesses were looted and vandalized. Four arrests were made including for assaults on the police.
Police said this was more violent than past protests which were already violent. Of course. Because you have done nothing and they suffer no consequences and they know they will be bailed out if there is any bail or arrest at all, they have no fear.
Democrats like Mayor Ted Wheeler have set this in motion. The only question is if Republicans and people of sanity will do everything they can to stop it. They need to be pursued, prosecuted and called out as terrorists. Meanwhile Democrats like Jerry Nadler think Antifa is imaginary. Tell that to the police in Portland.
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