Donald Trump was on Face the Nation, and had an epic tantrum. Right now he’s so scared of losing to Ted Cruz, he’s having to lash out in ridiculous ways. It’s interesting seeing what Trump looks like when he’s behind, he knows he’s behind, and he’s wetting-his-pants scared of being the big, fat loser.
Here’s the key transcript:
DICKERSON: When you say about [mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ], “Not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba,” what does that mean?
TRUMP: Well, it just means that Cuba generally speaking is a Catholic country. And you don’t equate evangelicals with Cuba. I don’t. I mean, I think of evangelicals, and i have, I guess I am. You know, I’m Presbyterian. I’m Protestant. But I don’t see it coming out of Cuba.
DICKERSON: But you’re not questioning whether – I mean, as far as you know, he could be more devout than you are.
TRUMP: It’s possible. Certainly it’s possible. I’m not questioning it. And I say it in a somewhat smiling manner. But there’s a little truth to it.
What strikes me first about this is that Trump feels the need to attack Ted Cruz’s Christianity as fake. Trump wants you to think that Cruz is a secret Catholic, only pretending to be a Baptist (SBC) in order to get votes in Iowa.
Does anyone actually believe this? If you’ve ever heard Ted Cruz speak in your life, you know that he’s been going to and paying attention in church. His style of speaking is the tell. He gets in your face, he lectures you. He wants you to get right with government. He could sprinkle his speeches with “Can I get an amen?” and it would sound natural. You can’t look into his heart and know what he truly believes, but it’s obvious he’s been going to church and paying attention to his pastors.
But next, it’s obvious Trump is pretty out of touch with what’s going on in Presbyterianism in America. He’s so hot to try to tar Cruz as a secret Catholic, but when given the chance, he’s not taking a stand in the great conflict right now in American Presbyterianism. Let me explain.
The biggest Presbyterian Church in our country is the Presbyterian Church (USA). PCUSA currently has about 1.7 million members. That’s been dropping for decades, but it started dropping faster in 2012, after the 2011 ratification of Amendment 10-A to the Book of Order, which would allow ordination of non-chaste homosexuals.
The large drop represents entire local churches abandoning PCUSA in favor of the Presbyterian Church in America. PCA takes a much more traditional view on most social issues, and has grown to have about 350,000 members. PCA and PCUSA have had to go to court over the ownership of church buildings and property, of the local congregations who flipped from PCUSA to PCA.
For Trump to speak of himself being Presbyterian, without mentioning which kind of Presbyterian he is, tells me one thing: Trump likely attends church at a PCUSA congregation, which would mean he stuck with the group that permits abortion (it is deemed morally acceptable), homosexual leaders, homosexual ‘blessings’ as pseudo-marriages, and free divorce.
Donald Trump is throwing stones, but the evidence suggests he’s got a glass house on this issue. Not a smart tactic, and a mark of scared desperation on his part.
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