Look, I’m not telling you to love Mitch McConnell; but this was a really stupid thing for Alison Grimes to say.
As foreign policy inches its way into a debate that has largely focused on the economy, Grimes was asked about congressional efforts to aid Israel’s missile defense system, known as the Iron Dome.
“Obviously, Israel is one of our strongest allies in the Middle East, and she has the right to defend herself,” Grimes said. “But the loss of life, especially the innocent civilians in Gaza, is a tragedy. The Iron Dome has been a big reason why Israel has been able to withstand the terrorists that have tried to tunnel their way in.”
I would love to see – preferably from a distance, and with automatic shutoff filters – just what kind of internal universe can sustain the concept of a missile defense system that works underground. I imagine that sparkly unicor… no. Pegasi. Sparkly winged horses must be involved, somehow. More seriously: God help any Republican who ever says anything this dumb. But I look forward to hearing the hasty explanations as to why Alison Grimes isn’t actually dumber than soup…
Greatest hits: @AlisonForKY thinks “iron dome” is a defense system for underground tunnels. http://t.co/MyJL4Bc5KC #KYSEN
— Josh Holmes (@HolmesJosh) July 30, 2014
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Let me speak sooth to folks for a bit. I understand that many people reading this consider themselves to be in the middle of a blood feud with Mitch McConnell, and I don’t blame you if you are. But – no, seriously, but. Do not let your enjoyment of the ancient art of kanly blind you to the adverse consequences of letting a Democrat getting away with saying something that, if a Republican said it, would be featured on the front page of the Washington Post every day for the next two weeks. If you do not push back on the media when they do double standards, they will simply get worse. There are Republicans running for office – Republicans that you might like – who are under constant threat from those self-same double standards.
So. Please. You don’t have to love Alison Grimes just because you despise Mitch McConnell. Especially when Grimes starts talking about underground missile defense systems – and it’s not your job to rationalize that away: it’s the Democrats’. You ain’t a Democrat, are you? Of course you’re not.
PPS: Oh, I could probably cobble together some plausible answer about why Iron Dome might help with Israeli counter-tunnel operations, despite the fact that Hamas’s missile attacks aren’t really all that related to their ongoing infiltration efforts. But that’s not my job. Reminding people that our current horrible natsec situation is directly attributable to the fact that Democratic politicians are uniformly awful at national security issues? That’s my job.
PPPS: Turns out that Erick Erickson was quicker on the draw on this than I was. No worries.
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