You know, a competent administration would have someone on staff whose job it would be to keep track of potentially awkward symbolic moments, in order to keep them from exploding in their boss’s face. Apparently not:
In a letter sent last week to President Obama, U.S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick contended that the Affordable Care Act had caused Sesame Place, one of Bucks County’s biggest tourist attractions, to terminate health benefits for its part-time employees.
“This law is hurting real people in my district and around the country,” the Bucks County Republican wrote.
A spokesman for SeaWorld, the amusement park’s parent company, confirmed Wednesday that the company was cutting the weekly work limit for part-time employees from 32 to 28 hours. Under the Affordable Care Act, companies can face fines if they do not provide insurance for staffers who work at least 30 hours per week.
Guess Big Bird can try the exchanges, just like every other part-time employee at Sesame Place… what? No, it doesn’t matter that Big Bird isn’t real: the government isn’t checking exchange applications for fraud anyway.
Via Naked DC.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
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