Oh, Please: CNN's Bakari Sellers Predicts 'People Crying ... Babies Yelling for Joe Biden'

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Monday is D-Day for President Joe Biden. 

"D-Day" as in Do it, Joe: Hand off what was supposed to be your convention to Kamala Haris during your Monday night address — at 11:00 p.m. — effectively ending your political career, then don't let the door hit you on your way off the stage.


So given that Joe's swan song is nigh, the slobbery adulation of arguably the worst president in U.S. history continued unabated in the liberal media on Monday, and nowhere more embarrassingly so than on CNN, with left-wing commentators Van Jones and Bakari Sellers leading the idiocy parade. 

During the afternoon edition of "CNN News Central," Jones gushed about what he predicted Biden was going to do during his address to the convention (emphasis, mine). 

And tonight, Biden comes out and he's going to do one of the most beautiful acts of political leadership; to step back so somebody else can step forward. That very rarely happens.

That's going to, you're going to have Kleenex boxes from up there over there of people watching someone do something honorable. And it's going to make people want to fight that much harder that his sacrifice is not in vain.

Uh-huh, Van. No doubt many delegates will fake it, but keep this in mind: Those delegates raced to Kamala Harris as soon Biden was safely out the door — removed from his nomination by a veritable inside coup.


Later Monday, on CNN's "Situation Room," Bakari Sellers took home the trophy.

Dismissing talk about Joe and Jill Biden being “bitter” about the party ousting him, Sellers said "This is a prideful night because there's going to be so many 'Thank you, Joes' in this place.” Then this beauty:

There are going to be people crying, there are going to be babies yelling for Joe Biden. He is going to get all of those applause and he deserves every ounce of it.

Joe Biden has the character, whether or not you're Democrat or Republican ... this country needs you [to want to lead it. And it will be a clear contrast between the man who served this country admirably for 50 years, 60 years, and Donald Trump.

Oh, please. "Babies yelling for Joe Biden"? Idiotic, Bakari. Babies don't yell for politicians, including miserably failed presidents, they yell for their mothers. Besides, given the Democrat Party's affinity for abortion, what makes Sellers think babies will even be in attendance for Joe's farewell speech?

As for your second comment, Bakari, I have no idea what you were talking about, but it doesn't apply to Joe Biden.



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