Denver Offers Insane How-To Guide to Cities on Converting to Taxpayer-Funded Illegal Alien Sanctuaries

AP Photo/Thomas Peipert

Could it be any more blatant?

Democrat-misgoverned Denver, which has welcomed roughly 40,000 illegal aliens — the most of any U.S. city on a per capita basis — is now offering a how-to guide to help other cities convert to illegal immigration sanctuaries at the expense of taxpayers. Again, how Democrat.


The authors of the guide — “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City” — proclaim themselves "thrilled" to help other cities destroy themselves as efficiently as Denver is intentionally destroying itself.

OK that's not exactly what they said, but close— in a Democrat sort of way:

We are thrilled that you are interested in creating a welcoming environment for migrants in your city. As part of Denver’s welcoming approach, we use the term “newcomers” to refer to migrants, recognizing that they are new to our city and embracing a more inclusive language. This playbook is a guide divided into two sections, offering recommendations and strategies for successfully integrating newcomers into your city.

Again, could it be more obvious? 

Democrats have moved from welcoming Illegals after they arrive to actively recruiting them to come, to creating how-to guides to make in happen, to beefing up or creating taxpayer-funded programs to finance the massive undertaking. And, why? To import as many future Democrat voters as they can get away with.

Here's more:

The guide credits the “Office of Mayor Mike Johnston” and several of his migrant agencies. Even though the 22-page booklet celebrates turning cities into immigrant sanctuaries, it is supposedly written by the same mayor who has attacked outside groups and states for sending immigrants to Denver, claimed the wave of immigrants was unsustainable, sent officials on trips to discourage immigrants from coming to Denver, spent millions shipping immigrants to other cities, cut funding and services, and worked to evict immigrants from city-sponsored shelters.


Catch that? 

Mayor Mike Johnston has slammed other states and cities for shipping illegal aliens to Denver, yet he's now credited with a "how-to" guide on attracting even more illegals, and putting programs in place, funded by tax-payers of course, to make sure they stay— and just keep on coming.

Why? The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.

Pleasant-looking fellow, isn't he?

So What's The 'Newcomers' Playbook All About?

Let's start with the term "newcomers." 

Democrats have a decades-long history of using words and terms to describe people, places, and things— purely from a political perspective. Whether a piece of legislation, an event, or a controversial issue, Democrats are damn good at it— from the perspective of misleading low-information Democrat voters.

For example, U.S. immigration law uses the term "illegal alien" for a logical reason. 

Any individual within a country's borders who is not a citizen of that country is an "alien," by definition— regardless of legal or illegal. Any individual in a country who violated that country's immigration laws to enter is hence called an "illegal alien." 

"Illegal alien" doesn't sit well with Democrats, so they use a variety of "softer," more "compassionate" terms, instead, from migrants, immigrants, undocumented immigrants, and so forth. But "newcomers" take the cake.

From the "Newcomers Playbook": 

Welcome to the City and County of Denver’s Newcomers Playbook! We are thrilled that you are interested in creating a welcoming environment for migrants in your city. As part of Denver’s welcoming approach, we use the term “newcomers” to refer to migrants, recognizing that they are new to our city and embracing a more inclusive language. 

This playbook is a guide divided into two sections, offering recommendations and strategies for successfully integrating newcomers into your city. Since December 2022, Denver has welcomed and assisted nearly 42,000 newcomers from the U.S. southern border, providing them with essential services and resources. 

Our efforts include helping people with onward travel as needed, offering temporary shelter, facilitating the search for permanent housing, and providing vital support in terms of medical and mental health, work authorization, legal assistance, school enrollment, and more.


In addition, the how-to guide includes tips on establishing intake centers to help direct illegals to taxpayer-funded services, offering "free" transportation, "free" housing, "free food and clothing, "free medical care and legal advice," and more.

The guide even suggests that cities pay for contracts with mobile showers and laundry trucks to provide such services to “newcomers.” Speechless? Me, neither.

In a statement to the media on the release of the guide, Mayor Johnston claimed he was “the national leader on this topic."

Over the last year and a half, despite the federal government failing to support our cities, Denver has led by building sustainable systems that help newcomers get back on their feet and turning a crisis into opportunity. 

We’re proud this playbook will help newcomers resettle in cities with more opportunities, help cities across the country successfully welcome newcomers and reinvigorate workforces.

Oh, I almost forgot. 

The guide advises city officials to use fraudulent social security numbers (SSNs) for illegals in instances where such information is needed, informing readers, “If an online application requires an SSN to move forward in the online portal, we have entered 123-45-6789.”

I'm out.


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