Now that Kamala Harris is the Democrat vice presidential nominee, voters on all sides of the political spectrum will have a chance — like it or not —to learn more about her positions on any number of issues.
One of those issues is abortion. More specifically, late-term abortion. Or as liberals prefer to call it, “women’s reproductive health.”
Kamala Harris has never been shy about her support for late-term abortion. Now, following the resurfacing of a 2018 tweet in which she advocated against a ban on abortions beyond 20 weeks, parents are responding with pictures of their own children at 20 weeks.
In January, 2018, Harris tweeted a rallying call to the late-term abortion faithful, urging defeat of 20-week abortion ban legislation.
“We must keep fighting to defend and expand on the progress made for women’s rights and reproductive health, not pass a 20-week abortion ban. Add your name if you agree.”
We must keep fighting to defend and expand on the progress made for women’s rights and reproductive health, not pass a 20-week abortion ban. Add your name if you agree: https://t.co/Q0wquwR68y
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 27, 2018
Harris’s ridiculous false assertion that protecting “women’s rights and reproductive health” is mutually-inclusive with protecting the “right” to abort 20-week-old — and older — babies is obscene.
Reality: They are mutually-exclusive issues, disingenuously packaged by the Left to attempt to “sanitize” the reality of abortion.
Here’s what Mayo Clinic has to say about 20-week fetal development.
Week 20: The halfway point
Halfway into your pregnancy, or 18 weeks after conception, you might be able to feel your baby’s movements (quickening). Your baby is regularly sleeping and waking. He or she might be awakened by noises or your movements.
By now your baby might be about 6 1/3 inches (160 millimeters) long from crown to rump and weigh more than 11 ounces (320 grams).
At week 21, according to Mayo Clinic, the sucking reflex is developing, enabling “your baby” to suck his or her thumb.
When Harris’s 2018 tweet resurfaced over the weekend, parents responded with a few tweets of their own.
My daughter, 20 weeks. https://t.co/oi6Tz92WNC pic.twitter.com/pW6ZYLxwc6
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) August 24, 2020
This is my son at 20 weeks old. He is fully human. Fearfully and wonderfully made. His life’s value is not dependent on the fact that he is wanted. It is set in the truth that he is alive and deserves the life God gave Him. https://t.co/hkDXHiVUtk pic.twitter.com/hcBxwVotMy
— daniel hayworth (@Dhayworth22) August 24, 2020
Here’s my perfectly formed son at 19 weeks.
His life matters. https://t.co/Hv5mMLhAjK pic.twitter.com/Sc6KcCavqF
— Elizabeth McCauley (@etmccauley) August 24, 2020
Look at what @KamalaHarris wants to destroy https://t.co/1WKGxK5Kkv
— ChinaPayYourDebts (@Chinapaydebt) August 22, 2020
Brady didn’t include a picture, but he did describe the excitement he and his wife share as they await the birth of their third daughter.
“It was amazing to see our baby’s heartbeat, hands and fingers, feet and toes, and constant movement. I can’t wait to meet our third girl in 20 short weeks.”
My wife had her 20 week ultrasound yesterday. It was amazing to see our baby’s heartbeat, hands and fingers, feet and toes, and constant movement. I can’t wait to meet our third girl in 20 short weeks.
— Brady Bulmanski (@bradybulmanski) August 22, 2020
And this incredible picture from Live Action:
Courtney was born at 21 weeks old.
Courtney was born at 21 weeks old. https://t.co/4U2VTAlS3o pic.twitter.com/npjQIaf6kZ
— Live Action (@LiveAction) August 24, 2020
Finally, and this one is tough, from Joshua.
This is 19 weeks, does this look like a lump of blood, a lifeless or inanimate object?
I bet you wouldn’t be here if ur parents support or did this EVIL you’re advocating for.
America(world) under your watch would be more pervert than it already is. Thank God it wouldn’t happen.
This is 19 weeks, does this look like a lump of blood, a lifeless or inanimate object?
I bet you wouldn’t be here if ur parents support or did this EVIL you’re advocating for.
America(world) under your watch would be more pervert than it already is. Thank God it wouldn’t happen. https://t.co/iqxkhRxSbp pic.twitter.com/E1BQPKzT5m— Joshua Oluwatobiloba SHITTU (@mercyseat001) August 23, 2020
The reality of Kamala Harris is this, as reported by The Federalist:
Harris is a longtime pro-abortion activist with a long congressional record supporting the movement. She voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and was a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which allows abortions without bans.
Harris has also notably called for Congress to pass a law affirming the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973.
Harris even received an informal endorsement from Planned Parenthood Action on Twitter.
We’ve seen the consequences of Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s terrible leadership. We need leaders who will fight to protect and expand our repro rights. We need @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. https://t.co/pG4qNo1Bhe #WeDecide2020 pic.twitter.com/qCuiGz027m
— Planned Parenthood Action – Text WeDecide to 22422 (@PPact) August 19, 2020
Granted, Harris is only #2 on the Democrat presidential ticket totem pole — although arguably the most significant veep selection in 76 years; Franklin Delano Roosevelt tapped Harry Truman as his running mate in 1944, and the rest is history, as they say.
So where does the lead sled dog stand on abortion? Glad you asked. My RedState colleague Brandon Morse answered that question in March:
Or should I say Biden answered it perfectly in March — as only Biden can do? From Brandon’s piece:
During last night’s debate against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Biden’s faith as a Catholic didn’t seem to be a factor in his stances as he bragged about his rating from NARAL, as well as his reaffirmation that abortions should be a taxpayer-funded venture.
NARAL Pro-Choice (Pr0-Abortion) America proudly proclaims on its website: “Freedom is for EVERYBODY.”
This is of course utter nonsense — and a baldfaced lie. By “every body,” NARAL, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the majority of the Democrat party mean: “every body that survives birth without being aborted.”
Tough language, on my part? Sure. Tough subject? Without a doubt.
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