‘Unconstitutional Slop’ — Pelosi Calls Trump’s Executive Order an ‘Illusion’ in Fox News Interview

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
AP featured image
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., speaks before signing the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, H.R. 266, after it passed the House on Capitol Hill, Thursday, April 23, 2020, in Washington. The almost $500 billion package will head to President Donald Trump for his signature. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

During an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Nancy Pelosi predictably slammed Donald Trump over his Saturday signing of four executive orders to defer payroll taxes and replace an expired unemployment benefit after negotiations with Congressional Democrats fell apart.

Pelosi told host Chris Wallace Trump’s orders amounted to nothing more than illusion, tossing in a healthy dose of fear tactics, of course.

“[I]n fact, what the president did is — I agreed what the Republican senator said — is unconstitutional slop. While it has the illusion of saying we’re going to have a moratorium on evictions, it says I’m gonna ask the folks in charge to study if that’s feasible. While he says he’s going to do the payroll tax, what he’s doing is undermining Social Security and Medicare, so these are illusions.

Same faux-dramatic drivel Democrats have been spewing for decades, which always goes something like this:

“The evil Republicans are going to take away your Social Security and Medicare benefits, push old ladies in wheelchairs off cliffs (one of my faves), starve your children, and squish you like the insignificant bugs ‘the rich’ think you are.” “That is,” they warn — year-in, year-out, decade after decade —”unless you elect us to protect you from those heartless, money-grubbing bloodsuckers.”

Pelosi’s mention of Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) was is reference to the oft-contrarian Republican’s Saturday statement condemning Trump’s orders, which he compared to Barack Obama’s 2014 “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got phone” threat to Congressional Republicans.


“The pen-and-phone theory of executive lawmaking is unconstitutional slop. President Obama did not have the power to unilaterally rewrite immigration law with DACA, and President Trump does not have the power to unilaterally rewrite the payroll tax law.“

Pelosi’s Trump trashing festivities began on Saturday, during which she skewered the president’s “meager announcements,” adding that he “still does not comprehend the seriousness or urgency.”

Pelosi also issued a joint statement with Chucky Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), in which they dutifully trashed Trump’s action as “not enough.” It reads, in part:

“These policy announcements provide little real help to families. For instance, not only does the President’s announcement not actually extend the eviction moratorium, it provides no assistance to help pay the rent, which will only leave desperate families to watch their debt pile higher.

“Instead of passing a bill, now President Trump is cutting families’ unemployment benefits and pushing states further into budget crises, forcing them to make devastating cuts to life-or-death services.

“Furthermore, these announcements do nothing to increase testing, nothing to reopen schools, nothing to put food on the table for hungry families, nothing to prevent heroes being laid off across state and local government, nothing to protect the Postal Service or the integrity of our elections, nothing on many critical needs of the American people.


“Democrats repeat our call to Republicans to return to the table, meet us halfway and work together to deliver immediate relief to the American people.  Lives are being lost, and time is of the essence.”


In case you missed Trump’s signing ceremony, here he is describing his first executive order.

In a Saturday piece titled 4D Chess: Trump Nukes Dems with Executive Orders, Leaves Biden ‘Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Basement,  RedState’s Nick Arama made the case that Trump’s end-around against Pelosi and Democrats puts him in a “brilliant” position against the intrepid basement-dweller extraordinaire, Joe Biden.

The bottom line:

The ball is now clearly in Pelosi’s court. Perhaps literally.

While Pelosi and her Democrat comrades continue their hyperbolic histrionics about Trump’s executive orders being insufficient, will they support legal action to stop it, thus appearing to oppose immediate help for those who need it most?

I’m not a Democrat, have never been one, nor have I ever played one on TV, but one this is certain:

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have done everything they could think of — unsuccessfully, of course — to be rid of Donald Trump since the nanosecond he was announced as the winner in 2016. Moreover, often cutting off their own sore-loser noses to spite their TDS-riddled faces.



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