'Iran's Useful Idiots!' Netanyahu Holds Nothing Back Calling Protestors Out on Home Turf

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was met with overwhelming ovation during his speech to Congress. It was a moment to celebrate the brotherhood between Israel and the US, one that transcends any single administration of either side. 


Of course, not all were happy. Protests have been promised since Netanyahu announced his visit to the U.S. The protestors didn't disappoint. 

As the speech commenced, Capitol police announced that protestors had become violent and were being deterred by pepper spray. 

See also: DC: Pro-Hamas Protestors Becoming Violent Outside Capitol
While PM Netanyahu Speaks

It's Sad, but Benjamin Netanyahu Understands America Better Than Some Americans Do

But Netanyahu, the bulldog of Israel that he is, had something special just for them: 

"Well, I have a message for these protestors: When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran's USEFUL IDIOTS!"

Bibi is right, and he had the guts to come to the home turf of these protestors and call them out for what they are: idiots. 


The majority of the pro-Hamas supporters in our government took a "personal day" to sulk and pout, but one Congresswoman decided to crash the party (where the standing ovations indicate that everyone else was happy to be there). Rashida Tlaib made sure to flash her protest sign as Netanyahu spoke of the advances Israel had made to give aid, support, and safety to civilians in Gaza. 

There were protests in the Capitol building earlier in the day, and as usual, the protestors made no sense. Calls for "freedom" without calling for the release of Israeli hostages or without calling for refuge from the tyranny of a terrorist government for the Palestinian people. So what does "free" mean to them? 

Netanyahu's moral compass is set firm, and he will not be swayed by the baseless arguments. He took the opportunity to speak to the division in our nation over the Israeli conflict, and he delivered his message in no uncertain terms: The protestors are uninformed and siding with terror. 


Netanyahu is a lover of our country and values. He expressed his shock to hear of protestors burning the American flag "even on the Fourth of July." Us too, Bibi. He saluted the fraternity brothers in North Carolina who protected our flag "against these anti-Israel protestors." The crowd then erupted in praise and chants of "USA!". It was a beautiful moment that celebrated not only American patriotism but the commitment to American values and our greatest ally, Israel.


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