It's Sad, but Benjamin Netanyahu Understands America Better Than Some Americans Do

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

In addition to all of the other goings-on on Capitol Hill, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress Wednesday afternoon. While a sizable number of congressional Democrats opted to "boycott" the speech, Netanyahu was warmly received by those members of Congress in attendance. The standing ovation he received upon entering the House chamber lasted for three or four minutes, and his near-hour-long speech was interrupted frequently by applause. 


Netanyahu spoke of the horror visited upon his country on October 7th. He paid tribute to the hostages taken, including Noa Argamani, who was in attendance at the speech. He paid tribute to the Israeli soldiers who've sacrificed life and limb for their country. It was a well-written, well-delivered speech and one that should speak to most, aside from those who've hardened their hearts against Israel and the Jewish people. 

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WATCH LIVE: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress

But it was toward the end of Netanyahu's remarks that I was struck by how much better he seems to understand and appreciate America than many of its own citizens do, including those who refused to attend and those protesting outside the Capitol. After condemning the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and insisting, "There is no room for political violence in democracies," Netanyahu added:

My dear friends — Democrats and Republicans — despite these times of upheaval, I am hopeful about the future. I am hopeful about Israel because my people, the Jewish people, emerged from the depths of hell, from dispossession and genocide, and against all odds, we restored our sovereignty in our ancient homeland. We built a powerful and vibrant democracy — a democracy that pushes the boundaries of innovation for the betterment of all humanity.

I am hopeful about America because I'm hopeful about Americans. I know how much the people of this country have sacrificed to defend freedom. America will continue to be a force for light and good in a dark and dangerous world. For free peoples everywhere, America remains the beacon of liberty its extraordinary founders envisioned back in 1776. 

Working together, I am confident that our two nations will vanquish the tyrants and terrorists who threaten us both.


The full video of Netanyahu's remarks may be viewed below, but it's cued up to the part I've quoted.


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