Edward Archer is probably the world’s worst terrorist. Despite having the complete element of surprise, and despite firing 13 shots at point blank range at a police officer, he managed to only hit Officer Jesse Hartnett three times in the arm, and none of the shots were fatal. Strictly in terms of what Edward Archer was able to accomplish, it doesn’t seem like much.
As a consequence of that, Democrats are busy studiously ignoring the attack, or are stupidly making it about guns. Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney, in his first week in office, says that Edward Archer’s actions had “nothing to do with Islam and radical Islam,” but did say, “There are just too many guns on the streets and I think our national government needs to do something about that.”
Well, the facts are the facts – and in this case, the facts are that Edward Archer is an radical Islamic terrorist. In addition to the fact that he said that he shot the officer in the name of Islam, and that he claimed he was allied with ISIS, Archer is now known to have been a longtime devout Muslim who had taken multiple trips to the Middle East.
Additionally, it was known within hours that the gun Archer used is not one of the guns that were allegedly way too easy to purchase, but was instead a gun that was stolen from a police officer some years ago. So in order for idiot Jim Kenney’s policy prescriptions to work, we would have to take guns away from cops.
Marco Rubio is absolutely right about this – the fact that this guy was the world’s worst shot does not mean he wasn’t a radical Islamic terrorist:
“There was a terrorist attack yesterday, in the city of Philadelphia. A terrorist attack,” Rubio said at a town hall in Aiken, South Carolina.
“He walks up to the car and starts firing shots. They arrest him, he tells them, he confesses, ‘I did it in the name of ISIS,'” Rubio continued. “The police chief stands up says, ‘This was the guy. We arrested him. And he said he did it in the name of ISIS.’ And then, (Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney) gets up and says, ‘This has nothing to do with Islam and radical Islam,'” said Rubio, who frequently hits Democrats for what he says is their refusal to properly label terrorism.
“This is ridiculous. This is absurd,” Rubio added. “This is a radical person, living in United States, who became radicalized. This is the new face of the war on terror, and it is dangerous and we need to confront it and defeat it. I will not stop until we do.”
It seems increasingly clear that the ambush shooting is the new tactic of choice for radical Islamic terrorists who are living in the United States. One of the two political parties is responding to this by pointing out that radical Islamic terrorism is a problem that needs to be dealt with. The other is responding by trying to take guns away from law abiding Americans.
Your choice at the ballot box, America.
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