I am loath to support party infrastructure and usually save my loyalty to individual candidates simply because I’ve been burned far too many times before (as have we all). However, I have to give credit to the Republican National Committee for a stellar hire.
Liz Harrington, a senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon, has been picked to be the RNC’s new national spokesperson. This is a good, good move. She is a great writer, a great speaker, and more than enough to handle the crap that will get thrown at Republicans in the years ahead.
Via the Free Beacon:
Harrington said she is “thrilled” to take the position as the party ramps up its reelection efforts and “help share the countless stories of America’s revival during the Trump presidency.”
“I am thrilled to join the incredible team at the RNC at the start of an exciting reelection campaign,” Harrington said. “The Republican Party led by President Donald Trump has an amazing and unprecedented record of accomplishment, and I am honored to help share the countless stories of America’s revival during the Trump presidency.”
Harrington joined the Free Beacon in 2013 and has offered exceptional reporting and commentary to its readers ever since. She also was host of the critically acclaimed podcast Right and Righter from 2017 to its untimely demise two weeks ago.
Whether or not you like the RNC as a whole, this is a good thing for the Republican Party.
Congratulations to Liz and the RNC. I am actually excited to see RNC press releases now.
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