It’s hard to imagine that Emma Sulkowicz wants to be anything other than a martyr. She wants to go down for a cause, and her first piece of “art” is definitely going to get her there. The “art” in question? It’s a performance piece that she says is not a re-enactment of the rape she made famous that likely didn’t happen. Despite the fact that every investigation turned up zero evidence of any non-consensual sex, and all evidence that has since been uncovered seems to show a consensual relationship that ended, Sulkowicz took advantage of the situation by dragging her mattress around campus and constantly attacking her alleged rapist (in reality, he is her victim).
Now, in a piece called “Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol” (“This Is Not A Rape”), Sulkowicz shoots a sex scene from four different angles, and puts the footage together. She and an unidentified male begin by making out, then stripping, then doing various dirty deeds on the mattress she dragged around and I hope she sterilized because she took it everywhere prior to this. And, for those wondering: No, I won’t link to the “art.” If you are determined to see a poorly shot porno with terrible camera angles, you can search the title of the piece.
(Or, better yet, if porn is really your thing, just search for something better? I dunno. We’re all about family values here at RedState, so I’m not gonna recommend anything.)
Sulkowicz is clearly determined to become a martyr here. She is at the center of a lawsuit filed by Paul Nungesser, whom she accused of raping her, against Columbia for failing to protect his Title IX rights against gender-based discrimination. Her continued actions on campus and now could prove to be very problematic for the university.
Paul Nungesser’s, CC ’15, lawsuit against both Columbia and visual arts professor Jon Kessler alleges that both parties violated Title IX in their handling of Emma Sulkowicz’s complaint of an alleged sexual assault against Nungesser, which the lawsuit says has “damaged, if not effectively destroyed” Nungesser’s reputation, safety, and career prospects.”
Sulkowicz, who claims that Nungesser raped her, has drawn international media attention for her senior visual arts thesis, “Carry That Weight,” in which she is carrying a mattress around campus until Nungesser is no longer there. In turn, Nungesser has been named in media stories on Sulkowicz, and his name was one of four listed on flyers that named alleged rapists, which found in bathroom stalls across campus last fall. Nungesser’s lawsuit charges that the University not only allowed Sulkowicz to break confidentiality agreements surrounding her complaint against him, but also endorsed and supported her efforts to do so.
In addition to Title IX, Nungesser’s lawsuit charges that Columbia and Kessler violatedNew York State human rights, civil rights, and general business laws through negligence, discrimination, harassment, the intentional infliction of emotional distress, unfair or deceptive practices, and breach of contract, particularly because Nungesser was found not responsible through the University’s adjudication process.
“By refusing to protect Paul Nungesser, Columbia University first became a silent bystander and then turned into an active supporter of a fellow student’s harassment campaign by institutionalizing it and then heralding it,” the filed complaint said.
Sulkowicz gets the best of both worlds if Nungesser wins his lawsuit:
- Because he is suing the school, she won’t be affect by the outcome.
- If he wins, she can still claim the system is rigged against women.
The best part of this is that a win for Nungesser doesn’t hurt her, it hurts the university. Which makes her a true Martyr of Frauds – her martyring itself is fraudulent.
But, why would something released after she graduated be problematic for the university? Because the director admits it was shot during winter break of her senior year.
According to Lawson, the film was created a few months ago when Sulkowicz was on winter break from her senior year at Columbia University. The website supposedly created by Sulkowicz that features the video and accompanying text went live last night.
This young woman, who shot to media stardom over a rape that likely didn’t happen, seems more and more likely to either be a fraud or mentally disturbed (or both!). Her actions are not the actions of a rape victim, but of an activist raising awareness for a cause, regardless of whether or not the reason behind it is completely made up. Her mental state is questionable based on what she wrote on the page that contains the video (which, again, I won’t link) (also, emphasis mine):
Do not watch this video if your motives would upset me, my desires are unclear to you, or my nuances are indecipherable.
You might be wondering why I’ve made myself this vulnerable. Look—I want to change the world, and that begins with you, seeing yourself. If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Violabout what you wanted to make it about: rape.
Please, don’t participate in my rape. Watch kindly.
There are some deeper issues here that go beyond activism.
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