Riley Gaines Swims From Alcatraz to Shore With Vets, Gives Keith Olbermann a New Beatdown on Swimwear

AP Photo/Darren Abate

If you haven’t taken the Alcatraz tour, the next time you have some free time, escape to San Fransico and make the trip to “The Rock.” In 1979, Clint Eastwood starred in a movie, aptly called “Escape from Alcatraz.”


Frank Morris, John Anglin, and his brother Clarence made their escape in 1961 using an ingenious ruse – they fashioned plaster heads to resemble the inmates sleeping in their beds. They fashioned a wooden paddle and rubber life vests, and on June 12, 1961, they made their escape – never to be seen again. Did they survive the mile-long swim to Angel Island? The water in the Bay is cold,often really cold. The current will take inexperienced swimmers to their doom. Best to leave the swim to strong and experienced swimmers like Navy SEALs--and Riley Gaines.  

Riley Gaines has championed women’s sports and, in the process, she has been vilified and attacked by leftists. Her “crime” being her advocacy for women. Actual women. Women without Adam's Apples. Women competing against other women. Women born women.  

Because she’s done that and, I think, because she is a Christian who is open about her faith, she’s been attacked. Gaines took a path to advocate for women even when she was competing in college. When she stopped swimming competitively, she continued to use her celebrity to push for fairness in women’s sports. Gaines hosts the "Gaines for Girls" podcast on OutKick, where she discusses women's sports and advocates for biological women and Title IX.


On Friday, Riley Gaines made the 1.25-mile swim from Alcatraz to shore and she did it with a bunch of manly men. Gaines described her swim mates on X as a bunch of combat vets and Navy SEALs, no doubt all retired. There is zero chance that active-duty SEALs would be allowed to make the swim with Gaines. Gaines posted a bunch of photos of the fun day with her new buddies. 

Here is my favorite, from a commenter:  

Agreed. I need to find that shirt and buy three of them.

Gaines has been in a running, social media battle with one of X’s most absurd personalities, Keth Olbermann. It is not much of a battle - more like a consistent beatdown. Gaines made the swim with real men and challenged Keith to make the swim, just not in a Speedo: 


Olbermann is a pathetic man-child who holds onto his fading relevance, even when it means he gets rhetorically beaten by a women. The former sportscaster and the subject of one of the funniest SNL bits in history won't take Gaines up on the mocking challenge. Olbermann is a consistently angry baby who has targeted Gaines on X, and each time, Olbermann embarrasses himself. With each insult, he ends up getting sent to the corner by Gaines.  


I hope he never learns. Although Olbermann vowed to leave X, he hasn't. Stay around Keith, you're doing great! Take up Riley's challenge. Butt leave the Speedo at home. And don't drown.


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