Oakland Street Repaving Project Sits Unfinished Because the Contractor Fears Neighborhood Residents

AP Photo/Richard Drew

A slice-of-life vignette presently playing out in Oakland, California, says much about the current societal breakdown and progressive government ineptitude. It also provides a gaping opportunity for conservatives should they have the fortitude to step up.


To summarize, a street in East Oakland desperately requiring repaving sits prepped for new asphalt. The job remains unfinished due to the city-hired contractor pulling his crew from the site out of concern for their personal safety.

A quote from the report is telling:

KRON4 contacted the project engineer, City of Oakland Public Works Department, Mayor Sheng Thao’s office, the City of Oakland’s director of communications, and City Council Member Treva Reid to find out more. None responded to KRON4’s request for comment.

Perhaps they were all at an A’s game.

It is easy to lay on the snark here, pointing out that this is precisely what people in progressive-run cities vote for and, thus, have no one to blame but themselves. Easy, but lazy. There is a better way, one featuring education in lieu of “You get what you deserve” elitism. It starts with discussing a concept that is pure anathema to the progressive mindset. Namely, personal responsibility.

The fundamental ridiculousness of a street repaving crew pulling out of a job because its members fear for their safety falls directly at the feet of decades of progressive politicians feeding constituents the lie of perpetual victimhood, therefore bearing no responsibility for their actions, in exchange for their votes and voluntary indentured servitude. When crime is excused instead of condemned, the Scripturally declared predilection for wrongdoing that permeates humanity rises to the fore. It is an abandonment of one of government’s fundamental charges enshrined in law since the Code of Hammurabi, namely defending society’s law-abiding members against those who practice lawlessness. We see this embodied in the willful dismissal of victim’s rights by Soros-backed DAs such as Alameda County (California) District Attorney Pamela Price, whose office resides in — where else? — Oakland.


MORESoros DA Pamela Price Works Just As Hard to Spring Convicted Criminals As to Not Prosecute New Ones

A phrase used by both South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and RNC co-chair Lara Trump at the recently held California GOP Convention suggests itself: “Get over yourselves.” Talk of important matters solely among those of like mind is cheap, fruitless, self-serving flattery.

The advice the apostle Paul gave regarding spreading the Gospel is equally applicable to proclaiming the conservative evangel.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

In addition to directly getting out the vote, we must educate those beyond our agreement circle. Talk to family, friends, and coworkers about matters of the day, not in the haughty, condescending manner that is the progressive stock in trade, but with a smile and common sense, uncommon as the latter may be in the present age. Through moments such as an unfinished street repaving project, the left is gifting us yet another opportunity for showing others the most excellent way. Even the most cursory examination of this story reveals the bogus nature of progressive thinking and doing. We know better. We can demonstrate this. Let’s do it.



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