A Beautiful Compilation of How Life Goes On, Despite Coronavirus Shutdowns

Near the end of Thursday night’s Fox News’ Virtual Town Hall on the coronavirus pandemic, a compilation of videos and photos was shown depicting how life is going on in America, despite the limitations placed upon us by the quarantine and “Stay Safe at Home” orders in effect throughout the country.


I don’t consider myself an especially emotional person in general; in fact, multiple friends and acquaintances have said that if they had to guess by my outward expressions they wouldn’t know that I ever really allowed myself a good cry. (I do, but it’s rare.) I don’t know if it’s because it’s hitting me that my youngest son will soon be entering his senior year and I won’t have any more little kids around the house, or that this montage showed Milwaukee and I’m missing my son and new daughter-in-law who just started their life together in Wisconsin, or because I’m sad for my friends whose wedding plans (both April 25) were decimated by shutdowns, but this montage had me in tears.

“We’re all in this together.”


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