The Biden Administration's Promotion of Tyler Cherry Is Sam Brinton 2.0

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

As Joe Biden's poll numbers among Jewish Americans and the American people, in general, continue to tank, his administration seems to have found no better way to give the middle finger than through his elevation of Tyler Cherry, the Communications Director for Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, to a White House position. 


Last week it was uncovered that Cherry had been promoted to an associate communications post in the White House. Cherry has a long social media history of calling for the abolishment of the police, decrying aid to Israel, and damning conservatives and traditional Republicans. 

Despite Biden's commenting in his Holocaust Remembrance Day speech that, “As Jews around the world still cope with the atrocity and trauma of that day [October 7] and its aftermath, we’ve seen a ferocious surge of antisemitism in America and around the world," he does not seem to care about the odiferous antisemitism and racial hatred that wafts around his communications arm. On Saturday, we had the nonsense Bronx campaign rally with Squad Democrats AOC and Jamaal Bowman, showing their hindquarters with buffoonery and "Free Palestine" speech. On Sunday, pro-Palestinian and Antifa protestors targeted and attacked Jewish persons in front of their own synagogues. And college campuses continue to deal with the fallout of these so-called "Free Palestine" protests. 

This promotion of Cherry is not only bad timing but a really bad look


A former Interior Department communications director in the Biden administration has been hired in a new role and will be working on communications inside the Biden White House, despite sparking controversy last year over social media posts attacking police, criticizing Republicans and supporting the anti-Israel movement.

"After more than three years at Interior working for Secretary Deb Haaland, Cherry started last week as an associate communications director at the White House," Politico reported this week.

Cherry's new role is to spearhead the Biden Climate Change initiatives. In the event Biden doesn't win a second term, his team is pushing forward their big-ticket environmental and climate items, hoping to at least lock in the environmentalist whacko voting bloc, or something. Climate Change is low on the list of the American people's priorities, but that middle finger pokes through, yet again.  

The new role involves handling communications for the White House Climate Policy Office, working with National Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi and coordinating with the White House press office on climate and energy policy announcements.

Cherry has courted multiple controversies in the recent past over his comments, especially on social media criticising Republicans, conservatives, or Israel. His comparison of American law enforcement to ‘slave patrols’ created a massive uproar.


Cherry's social media posts are rightly causing a stir. However, his employment background is of equally grave concern. According to his LinkedIn profile, Cherry cut his teeth as an operative for Media Matters for America, the David Brock founded, so-called media watchdog group, which seems to only be concerned with watching and calling out conservatives and right-of-center media. Cherry moved up those ranks quickly and landed a sweet associate position at SKDKnickerbocker, the former Obama administration hack Anita Dunn-fronted public affairs firm. Cherry moved up through that organization even more rapidly, moving from associate to director in a matter of two years. The year 2020 was when we last heard about SKDKnickerbocker, after then-California Secretary of State (now Senator) Alex Padilla illegally contracted the firm to run a statewide voter education campaign. Not only did he go over the state controller's head to sign this no-bid contract, but Padilla left California on the hook for the $35 million after he trotted off to D.C. to fill VP Kamala Harris' senate seat. 

In 2020, Cherry made another major career move when he directed the Arizona Democrat Party rapid response team. The Arizona governor's race became a hot mess in 2022, and now we know part of the reason why

Tyler Cherry is starting as director of rapid response with the Arizona Democratic Party, as part of the Biden-DNC coordinated campaign. He most recently was a director at SKDKnickerbocker.


Cherry parlayed this into a role in the Biden administration, working for Interior Secretary Haaland, and has now failed up to White House comms.

Cherry responded to the controversy by issuing a non-apology, then scrubbing those tweets:

Cherry is 30 years old. Saying, "When I was younger," sounds as if he spewed this rancorous speech when he was a teenager instead of less than five years ago when he was quite active in politics. Corey DeAngelis discovered a tweet from 2020 where Cherry condemned then-President Trump for speaking out against school closures and rightly asked Cherry, if this doesn't reflect your current views, then why remove them?

After former deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy and non-binary luggage thief Sam Brinton received his 15 minutes of fame on the taxpayer dime, you would think the Biden administration would find someone LGBTQ plus all the letters who at least pretends to be sane. Look for Cherry to crash and burn as spectacularly and ridiculously as Brinton did. 



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