Here’s Why Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal Intrigue Ultimately Won’t Matter

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

Some rather interesting developments occurred on Tuesday in the case of Hunter Biden. A few weeks ago, his attorneys managed to hammer out a plea deal that many Americans, who are not members of the ruling class, would love to have if they were not just regular plebes like the rest of us.


Now, it appears that plea deal is in jeopardy, if not dead altogether. On top of that, Hunter’s attorneys are also facing scrutiny from the judge for some alleged unscrupulous behavior. Nevertheless, regardless of how this plays out, there is no reason to assume that President Joe Biden’s son will get anything less that a smack on the wrist for crimes that would have landed any of us behind bars.

Hunter Biden’s plea deal appears to be six feet under, according to various reports:

This is pretty stunning information but it looks now like the plea deal for Hunter Biden — the “sweetheart deal” is off according to reports coming from the court.

CNN reporter Kara Scannell said:

She was pressing the prosecution on this investigation and the four corners of this plea agreement. One of the prosecutors said that the investigation was very much ongoing, and then she asked him, well, what is not covered in this plea agreement, if you are leaving the possibility of there being other future charges? So then the judge said, “Would this [the plea agreement] include a possible FARA charge?” That’s not registering as a foreign agent. The prosecutor said no, the deal would not include that.

It was at that point that she had said to the prosecution, you know, if you are not — if you can charge that, then what does this mean? And the prosecutors — actually, she asked Hunter Biden’s attorneys about that, and he said, “Well, then, there’s no deal.” Then the prosecutor said, “then there is no deal.” So Biden’s team said that the plea agreement, as far as they understood it, was now null and void. They were moving ahead to talk about what the next steps would be in this case. So as of right now the deal appears to be dead and off the table.


It appears that since the current plea did not address potential charges against Hunter for failing to register as a foreign agent, it is rendered moot. However, Hunter’s attorneys are now continuing negotiations with the Justice Department about a possible agreement.

But that’s not all.

Apparently, Hunter’s attorneys thought they would be able to pull off some chicanery to help their beleaguered client. It is alleged that these brilliant barristers attempted to con a court clerk into remove documents containing Congressional testimony from witnesses alleging that elements in the federal government worked to protect Hunter and his father:

Hunter Biden’s lawyers face potential sanctions from the rightfully annoyed Delaware judge in his tax case, after an attorney allegedly played a dirty trick on a clerk.

Earlier on Wednesday, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith filed a brief to Judge Noreika, suggesting that she toss Hunter’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal with Delaware prosecutors due to claims they gave the President’s son preferential treatment.

It is claimed that someone from Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark’s former law firm later called the Delaware clerk – pretending to be from the office of Smith’s attorney, Theodore Kittila – asking them to remove the original filing and, with it, 448 pages of Congressional testimony from the two IRS investigators who worked on the case.


The documents were then taken down and sealed.

If this case smelled rotten before, it has now become so pungent that it makes a skunk’s scent smell like lilac and fresh-baked blueberry pie. Under normal circumstances, it would bode ill for the defendant. But when your last name happens to be Biden, things proceed a bit differently. In fact, if anyone expects that this will mean harsher treatment for the president’s son, I’ve got a herd of flying feathery pigs to show you.

But, perhaps we should get to the heart of the matter. If any of us had committed similar crimes as Hunter, the plea deal we would get would not be nearly as generous. Regular folks would never have gotten such a sweetheart deal in the first place. Even as it stands currently, Hunter’s attorneys will just hammer out a different agreement with the Justice Department, which will eagerly accommodate almost anything Hunter’s little heart desires.

So, to wrap it up, none of us should expect anything drastically different from what Hunter was offered in the first place. He is still going to get what amounts to a slight admonishment and maybe some finger wagging thrown in for good measure. Meanwhile, our vaunted justice system will continue meting out strict punishment for us peasants whenever one of us steps out of line.



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