By now, most of you have heard of the recent case in Colorado where an expecting mother answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, was attacked, and had the child cut from her womb, with the child dying in the process. As my colleague streiff noted yesterday, prosecutor Stanley Garnett has declined to charge Dynal Lane, the suspected attacker, with murder for the horrific act. What’s interesting to note here is that Garnett has ties to the abortion-providing behemoth Planned Parenthood. Life News has done the yeoman’s work of figuring this out:
However, new information reveals the prosecutor in the case is an abortion advocate who has the endorsement of prominent pro-abortion groups in a previous campaign for state Attorney General and who endorsed legislation to not regard unborn children as victims of such crimes, which would allow murder charges to be brought.
Furthermore, as Life News notes, Garnett said on his Facebook page in October 2010:
If you missed yesterday’s debate between my opponent and me on KOA’s Mike Rosen show, you can listen to it at this link, below. I’m really happy with how well our discussion went. On another note, yesterday I also picked up the endorsement of the NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado PAC. I’m honored to have their backing.
And a couple of months prior to that in August of 2010, he said:
In recent days I’ve picked up another important endorsement that I’m honored to have, this one from Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado. They cite my “strong support of women’s health,” and express faith in my continued advocacy for their organization. These people do important work, and I very much appreciate having them in my corner.
Screenshots of these messages can be found here and here.
And now we know why Garnett won’t press murder charges against Dynal Lane for the heinous act she is suspected of committing. Instead of standing up for the child, who bears the name Aurora, he has decided to side with Planned Parenthood and its pro-abortion allies and their radical agenda. You can read more about his cowardice at the Life News website, but know this, s pro-life Colorado attorney Kristi Burton Brown explains so well, he could have charged Lane with murder if he wanted to. We also know that it has been reported that Aurora breathed in a heavy last gasp before passing after she had been cut from her mother’s womb, which should fulfill the requirements of the Colorado law to have “lived as a child” (as Garnett put it) prior to passing.
Consider giving Garnett’s office a call at 303-441-3700 to voice your displeasure with his decision, and if you live in Colorado’s Twentieth Judicial District, work to get him out of office at the next election. We need to make voting him out of office one of our highest priorities.
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