Yesterday, Rick Perry gave a speech on economics to unveil his plan. Perry, of course, created 1.5 million jobs while the rest of the nation lost 400,000.
In delivering his speech, Perry did what so many of us have wanted — someone to point out that our first black President has left the black family worse off. His whole speech was rock solid, but the opening dealt with Texas’s own history of race relations. And then got to this:
When it comes to race, America is a better and more tolerant and more welcoming place than it has ever been. We are a country with Hispanic CEOs, and Asian billionaires, and a black President.
So why is it that even today, so many black families feel left behind? Why is it that a quarter of African-Americans live below the poverty line, even after the impact of federal programs like food stamps and housing subsidies?
The supplemental poverty rate for African-Americans is nearly double the rate for other Americans.
Democrats have long had the opportunity to govern in African-American communities.
It is time to help black families hold them accountable for the results.
More of this please.
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