Mike Collins and Jody Hice are running in the tenth congressional district in Georgia. The tenth district covers an area to the southeast of Atlanta and northeast of Macon.
I spoke this past weekend at a fundraiser for Jody Hice. I am supporting Jody and, luckily, the largest part of population in his district lies within my listening audience’s reach in Atlanta. I am happy to encourage people to support him.
Look no further than the present leadership contest of House Republicans in Washington, D.C. to find out why Jody Hice should be in Congress. Eric Cantor, the Republican leader in the House, got beaten by a man who spent less on his entire campaign than Eric Cantor spent on steakhouse meals from his campaign budget. House Republicans, within twenty-four hours, decided to pretend the results were an anomaly. They have now rallied to an even more liberal member of Congress to take Cantor’s position in leadership.
Republicans need someone who will tell their own leadership no. Republicans excel at telling Barack Obama no, but never want their own to hold themselves accountable. Eric Cantor, on Election Day, was in Washington meeting with lobbyists. Conservatives are struggling to rein in the crony capitalist impulses of the GOP right now.
Between Jody Hice and Mike Collins, I have a hard time believing Collins, the son of a former Congress who name drops his Washington connections on the campaign trail, will tell Republican leaders no to much of anything. Jody Hice will tell them no and I am proud to support him.
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