Democrat Governors Officially Call Tea Party Activists "Political Terrorists"

It would be really funny if it were not true.Remember the advertisement from the Republican Governors Association themed “Remember November”? The left went nuts because the ad was so effective.The RGA followed it up with a new ad ridiculing the over the top rhetoric and distortions from the media.Well, the Democratic Governors Association has decided to wade into the fray. The DGA is calling the ad a glorification of “political terrorism.”


More than a week after the RGA stirred the pot with an online ad themed around the story of 17th-century British radical Guy Fawkes, the DGA still is weighing into the debate.”In light of the dangerous overtones of their radical ‘Remember November’ video, we are calling on Haley Barbour and the Republican Governors Association to put a stop to this ad now,” Nathan Daschle, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, said in a statement sent to the Huffington Post on Wednesday.

Note first that the HuffPo runs with the “Guy Fawkes” meme that the HuffPo itself created despite a lack of any evidence. Now they and the DGA are calling tea party activists “political terrorists.”Damn the facts, full lies ahead!Clearly Nick Ayers and company have hit a nerve. After all, if it were really hurting the GOP, the Democrats would be keeping quiet.


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