Artwork in Window of Portland, OR Gallery Eerily Reminiscent of Kathy Griffin's Severed Trump Head Stunt

screengrab from archived Facebook page One Grand Gallery

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

One Grand Gallery, a Portland, OR art gallery, has placed a gruesome drawing of President Trump being beheaded by a faceless man in their window. The work wouldn’t be complete without the caption “F*** Trump.


The following tweet shows the repulsive, impossible to miss illustration.

Breitbart News was able to verify this is real via the gallery’s Facebook page (archived here). Also, photos of the gallery on its website reveal the windows facing the street are the same.

The event surrounding this particular gallery showing opened on July 13 and is called “F*** you Mr. President.”

Breitbart’s Nick Nolte reminds us this is

the same establishment media that spent a week hounding a rodeo clown for wearing an Obama mask has devolved into open apologists — if not advocates — for violence against Trump and his supporters.

It’s been reported that the gallery owner has removed the drawing due to a request from his landlord and threats from Trump supporters. He said he eventually took down the image because “people…are responding with such anger and violence. People want the gallery to go up in flames with my family.”

The Daily Mail reports:


The blowback has been so fierce that even nearby businesses that had nothing to do with the drawing say they’ve been receiving angry phone calls.

‘It’s been a crazy, crazy morning,’ said Dane Johnson, who works at an automotive shop a floor above the art gallery.

‘I’ve had threats to have rocks thrown through the window. I’ve had threats that we’re never going to do business with you again.

‘And I’ve also had threats on my life – you know, we’re going to come and kill you.’

The threats have come from people nationwide, Johnson said.

By Tuesday morning, the image was scraped off the window facing the street, but the same illustration could be seen hanging inside.

The owner wishes to remain anonymous. Let’s see how long that lasts!





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