You Should Learn to Code

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Everybody remembers when Joe Biden told us all we should "learn to code!" I am uncertain if he even knew what that meant at the time, and I suspect it was just something that a DNC drone placed in his ear. However, if you take a slightly different understanding of what "code" means to progressives, it all makes sense. 


"Learn to code. We do!"

This past week, Hilaria Baldwin told America that the "world was mean to her" for being of mixed race, so...she learned to code. Code-Switch, that is. To progressives, code-switching is a viable and valuable practice and is defined by as:

the process of shifting from one linguistic code (a language or dialect) to another, depending on the social context or conversational setting... 

For Baldwin, it was justification for using a Spanish accent for many years before she slipped up with her natural American accent and got caught one day. Problem is, she never displayed the intentional practice of going back and forth between accents to serve different groups before. It was always Spanish, Spanish, Spanish until one day, as a guest on TV, she pretended not to know the English word for "cucumber" before slowly losing the accent. But she was just code-switching. Maybe she assumed that the entire audience of Spanish speakers had suddenly switched to Telemundo during commercial, only to be replaced by people from Kansas. I don't know for sure, but It was....hilarious.

In keeping with the new trend of code-switching, we have one of its greatest employers, Jasmine Crockett, invoking that linguistic nuance into her own professional congressional cadence every day. Originally the beneficiary of good secondary schooling where proper English is taught for $35,000 a year, young Jasmine once sounded like this. Today, she sounds like that. (same clip 20 seconds in) Why? Is it because now she represents Texas' 30th District, where only 18 percent of the constituents are white, 40 percent are black, and the balance is largely made up of Hispanics? Apparently, for Crockett, code-switching from proper English down to the vulgate is important to reach out to her voters — because, apparently, speaking like an educated person just puts them all off. That seems like she's sort of making a blanket assumption, as she does, but if Ted Cruz did it (he's from the same district), he'd likely be roasted into next year. Crockett won't because, with her immutable characteristics, she is immune from Kryptonite. And the need for "authenticity."


Then you have this guy, state rep Justin J. Pearson (D-TN), who went from looking and sounding like a stockbroker to a supporting actor on Sanford & Son. You can see his before and after clips here at about 6:29. It's amazing what growing out your hair can do for your "authenticity." Anyway, more code-switching, and so I guess reversion is now the way to go. Speak like you've rejected your education, and I guess you send the message to your constituents that it's far better to drop out of school and hang out on the corner. Bravo. Apologies to Mr. Frederick Douglass, but we prefer to sound like Snoop Dogg.

Toss in Ms. I Don't Feel No Ways Tired and Mr. Gonna Put Y'all Back in Chains! and I'm just over here taking note of the trend. Academia seems to acknowledge this code-switching phenomenon as a valid thing, and maybe it is in their world because you can make all sorts of arguments in the classroom that might be a crock when you try to apply them in the real world. But for the aforementioned progressives, it does not seem to have harmed them enough to destroy their careers. Harris got beat, but she will probably be made a governor one day. Biden got coup'd, but only because his mind evaporated. And Crockett? Well, she will probably hold a seat in the House until she turns into a petrified log, as so many other Democrats in Congress have already done.


I guess my point with all of this is, why don't their followers mind? These people are transparent phonies. They don't hide anything. Crockett et al. are aware that the internet never forgets, but they just say, "Screw it, this is me now." And their voters don't seem to mind one bit. You're a fake? Well, I don't mind fakes. I like your persona now. How you look and sound is more important to me than what you say. So there...

So there....well, sure, everybody's vote counts, but I have to wonder about those who vote for such spurious, shallow, and foolish reasons. I think they are just tools and fools because not only are they willing to be used, they seem to revel in being used. Let me buy one of Jasmine's tee shirts where she misspelled her own name; I want to wear it in front of everyone I know. 

The people who they continue to vote for are inauthentic, disingenuous, and openly contrast their former selves with their new "reimagined" selves. Maybe this is just how the world works now for some folks, but I'd much rather have a guy like Trump to support. He's like McDonald's: same burger in Missouri that you get in California. You might not like the recipe, but you always know what it will taste like. It doesn't try to be Hardee's, and it doesn't act like a high-end pub burg. It's always a TrumpBurg.

When you know what you're getting, you can always decide if you want it or not.  And if you don't understand the progressive tactic of code-switching, you'll never be sure which shell hides the pea.



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