President Obama continues to tweet inappropriate, tone deaf and politically incorrect tweets at politically embarrassing moments.
Friday, as Obama was about to participate in a solemn transfer of remains ceremony for the victims of the vicious attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Obama Tweeted:
Winter is coming, but these sweatshirts are perfect for fall: OFA.BO/rj5Tns”
The ill-advised tweet was sent at 2:20 p.m. According to the White House posting, the President spoke at the Andrews Air Force Base ceremony at 2:46.
It never ceases to amaze me just how uncaring and tone deaf Obama can be. Obama was just as disrespectful with his thoughtless first tweet on 9/11. He was similarly uncaring when he didn’t bother to tour the Hurricane Isaac storm damage until six days after the storm made landfall and three days after Mitt Romney inspected hurricane damage with Governor Bobby Jindal.
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