
Democrats Can't Call Themselves the Party of Women Anymore, That Title Goes to Republicans

AP Photo/Arnulfo Franco

"The Party of Women" is a title the Democrats just love to label themselves as, but it's always been something of a head-scratcher to anyone paying attention. Democrats care about women so long as they're useful. Any woman who so much as speaks contrarily to the Democrat Party agenda is suddenly a pariah that needs to be belittled, shouted down, and possibly assaulted. 

You can ask Riley Gaines about that. 

Democrats have no right to call themselves the party of women. They never did. The entire premise of the title was based on the idea that this is the party protecting abortion, but let's face facts, that wasn't about women. That was about money. Democrats love Planned Parenthood because it campaigns for them and shovels money into their coffers. Planned Parenthood loves Democrats because it keeps taxpayer dollars flowing into its accounts. 

But abortion was never a right, and as such, the idea that Democrats have been fighting for the "rights" of women to have abortions has been absolute nonsense. Outside of the abortion argument, however, the Democrats haven't really done anything good for women. 

But Republicans have. 

Ever since the transgender mind virus swept the Western world, Democrats have been pushing it harder than a desperate used car salesman. The issue is that in order to push the agenda, it has to sideline other groups, namely women. If men can be women like the Democrats say, then they have to put their money where their mouth is and suggest that these men can enter women's spaces. 

This means women's sports, women's locker rooms, women's restrooms, and women's prisons. 

You can see the outcome for yourself. 

READ: Misogyny and Abuse of Women Has Never Been So Easy and Rewarding

Women in prison are raped and impregnated by men identifying as women, women are losing out on titles and awards as men compete in their sports, and women are being assaulted in restrooms by men named "Susan." 

Yet, Republicans and various activists on the right have attempted to stop this from happening. On Thursday, Republicans did this in a big way by denying the confirmation of Sarah Netburn, a radical judge who recommended a 6'2" male found guilty of molesting and raping minors be put in a women's prison simply because he said he was a woman. He had all the male plumbing, but his word was enough for Netburn. 

And that was enough for the GOP on the Senate Judiciary Committee to toss her prospects into the incinerator. The vote really should highlight for America just where Democrats stand on the subject of women's rights. All but one Democrat, Jon Ossoff of Georgia, voted to confirm Netburn. Luckily, the Republicans succeeded in stopping it in an 11-10 vote, but there shouldn't have been one person voting yes on Netburn. 

There were 10. 

READ: Ted Cruz Draws a Line and Dares Democrats to Cross It As Judiciary Committee Torpedoes Radical Judge

Democrats don't give a damn about women. If they did, they would have dropped this transgender nonsense the moment it began being a very real threat to women, but they didn't. They doubled down. They shrugged off reports of rape, abuse, and assault. They attack people who speak out about it and even go so far as to punish them if they can. 

The GOP is the "party of women." The Democrats are the party of insanity. 


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