Classic Deutschland: Germany Says It Will Arrest Netanyahu If He Enters the Country

AP Photo/Michael Probst

Remember when Germany was committing unwarranted atrocities against the Jewish people? 

Germany apparently doesn't. 

According to the Daily Mail, Germany has declared that if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ever steps foot in the country, he will be arrested on sight: 


Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesperson for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, confirmed on Wednesday the country would 'abide by the law' and arrest the under-fire Israeli leader should he visit the EU nation.

This comes after British prosecutor Karim Khan announced on Monday that he is seeking warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three Hamas terror chiefs including Yahya Sinwar, the ruler in Gaza who masterminded October 7.

What "law" is Hebestreit speaking of? 

As I covered on Wednesday, the International Criminal Court (ICC), a group of unelected bureaucrats that have declared themselves the international law enforcement agency, issued a warrant for Netanyahu, as well as three Hamas leaders. 

The ICC is an organization that has authority in 123 countries that signed the Rome Statute, one of which includes Germany. It does not, however, have authority in Israel, which did not sign the document and agree to be included. As Israel is not a partner in the ICC, it doesn't have any authority to demand arrest in that territory.

(READ: The ICC Is the Collapse of Sovereignty Waiting to Happen)

However, if Netanyahu were to step foot in a country that does give authority to the ICC, that country is obligated to use local law enforcement to arrest him and bring him to ICC headquarters for trial. 


In short, the ICC has given itself the power to arrest world leaders and have them stand trial under its authority even if the world leader in question does not recognize the ICC's authority at all. 

I don't think I have to tell you how dangerous arresting a world leader who doesn't recognize the ICC's authority while he's abroad would be. That sounds a lot like a war waiting to happen, but one should never accredit bureaucrats with too much intelligence. 

It should also be noted that no arrest warrants have been issued for dictators that actually have committed inhumane crimes against people such as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. 

Israel’s Ambassador to Berlin, Ron Prosor, spoke out against Germany's decision to enforce the ICC's warrant against Netanyahu according to the Daily Mail: 

Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Tuesday Prosor wrote: “This is outrageous! The German "Staatsräson" is now being put to the test—no ifs or buts.

‘This contrasts with the weak statements we hear from some institutions and political actors. The public statement that Israel has the right to self-defense loses credibility if our hands are tied as soon as we defend ourselves.’

Staatsräson refers to Germany’s long-standing commitment to the defence of Israel, a policy declared by former Chancellor Angela Merkel during a 2008 speech to the Knesset.

Prosor added: ‘The Chief Prosecutor equates a democratic government with Hamas, thereby demonizing and delegitimizing Israel and the Jewish people.


Germany should have listened to Prosor when he pleaded with them not to enforce the ICC's warrant. Not just because the warrant is ludicrous on its surface, but because there's no way this is a good look for Germany, which should have learned long ago that the annihilation of the Jewish people is actually a bad thing and that they shouldn't be punished for defending themselves. 


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