
The ICC Is the Collapse of Sovereignty Waiting to Happen

AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is one of those organizations that sounds good on paper, but you quickly find out that in the real world, it's another bureaucratic tool that could easily be used for political prosecution. 

Lo and behold, it issued a warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes committed in Gaza for war crimes committed against the citizens of Gaza, which fall under the Palestinian Authority, a group that gives the ICC authority to prosecute. 

However, Israel does not give authority to the ICC and as such, the ICC cannot actually do anything to Israel. As the DW reported, the ICC has no police force to speak of and expects local law enforcement officials to take these individuals in whenever they are found traveling in ICC-cooperative countries: 

However, as the ICC has no police force to arrest individuals against whom it has issued warrants, it is highly unlikely that members of the Israeli government will ever appear before judges in The Hague.  

Still, an arrest warrant would greatly limit the freedom of movement that Netanyahu and his associates enjoy, for each of the ICC treaty's 124 signatories are obliged to arrest individuals with outstanding warrants and to hand them over to the court.

That is why Russian President Vladimir Putin has been forced to avoid traveling to most international meetings since the ICC issued a warrant for his arrest over accusations that he is involved in the systematic abduction of Ukrainian children. Putin only travels directly to and from nations that do not recognize the legitimacy of the ICC.

This means that if Netanyahu were to travel to a country like Australia that signed the Rome Statute, the Australians could arrest him under the direction of the ICC and turn him in to face trial. Despite Israel not recognizing the ICC's authority, the ICC would arrest Netanyahu and charge him anyway. 

If you're thinking that a bunch of unelected bureaucrats issuing criminal charges and warrants for global leaders can lead to some serious issues, then you're in good company. Many countries outright refuse to recognize the ICC's authority, and that includes the United States, which has a contentious relationship with the ICC...or at least it does when the right President is in office. 

President Biden seems to be a lot more sympathetic to the ICC's cause, reversing sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump against ICC officials. Biden has even endorsed ICC actions against other leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine despite the ICC not having authority in either Russia or Ukraine. 

So we have the leader of the free world endorsing the actions of unelected bureaucrats declaring legal authority over people it has no authority over in countries that never agreed to its authority. 

This is a very, very slippery slope. 

For one, the ICC is a purely bureaucratic entity with no real oversight. What's to stop it from utilizing its "legal authority" to issue warrants against people for their own political interests? How do we know this warrant against Netanyahu isn't one already? 

The Netanyahu warrant already shows that the ICC doesn't seem to understand the nature of war, especially when that war is being fought against a terrorist organization that uses its own people as human shields. Of course, citizens have died...Hamas saw to it. Moreover, it's not like Israel can just choose not to wage this war. Hamas made it clear that the complete destruction of Israel and the death of the Jewish people is its highest priority. Israel is forced to wage this war. 

(READ: War Is Hell...So Don't Start One)

The ICC issuing a warrant for Netanyahu under these pretty obvious points makes the ICC seem like an organization that is either incompetent or sinister. While it did issue warrants for Hamas leaders as well, it almost seems like a ridiculous thing to do as Hamas leaders all have the same method of waging war and have all committed similar atrocities. 

Despite the fact that 123 countries acknowledge the ICC's authority (God knows why) the U.S. should never accept the ICC's declaration of authority on everything. The idea that a bunch of unelected officials could do something as grand as issue arrest warrants for national leaders is ludicrous, and any action issued should always come with punishments from the U.S. in some regard, such as Trump's sanctions on ICC leaders. 

The ICC should be something that no country ever agrees to recognize because, in the end, the ICC is a direct attack on the sovereignty of a country. If the ICC says a citizen of a country needs to be arrested then the country will have no choice but to give up their own citizen to the ICC, even if the country in question doesn't recognize that their citizen has done anything wrong. 

Biden lifting Trump's sanctions on ICC leaders was not the right move, though I'm sure it helped his own interests to do so and that's pretty par for the course for Biden. But this represents a slide down that slope. When it comes to the ICC, that door needs to remain fully shut. America should act as the ICC's antagonist at best. 

Because we all know how authority works. A little ceding here, a little authority there, and soon the authority in question is far more powerful than anyone ever intended it to be. 

(READ: The Globalists In the Room Are Showing You Who They Are and They Must Be Resisted)


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