
Whether It's 'The Science,' the Arts, or Politics, the Mainstream Isn't Your Friend

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

I often say that the mainstream media isn’t your friend, specifically when it comes to legacy news sites and Hollywood. As you, dear reader, have likely noticed over the course of years, the absolute decline in quality and trustworthiness of mainstream journalism has tanked so fast that light thinks it needs to settle down.

This has been seen in many ways. Be it all-out lies, biased reporting, and even a plague of ads posing as serious articles.

But it’s more than just mainstream news and Hollywood, both of which are just agenda-driven businesses that are consistently trying to sell you something detrimental to your life. You can also see how socio-political activists have also crept into the scientific community.

One of the biggest indicators, of course, was during the pandemic when scientists were effectively pushing the idea that a vaccine was a miracle worker in stopping the virus. Of course, it did nothing of the sort. It didn’t even make the symptoms better. In fact, now we’re beginning to see that the vaccine has detrimental effects on many who get injected with it.

Moreover, it was many of these mainstream “scientists” that flatly denied the idea that herd immunity was the key to stopping the virus, though behind closed doors this is exactly what they knew.

Scientists have now been discovered to be manipulating the COVID-19 virus over at Pfizer, the people who made the most popular of the vaccines, in order to sell more vaccines. Pfizer is also the same company that was requesting social media companies silence users who spoke out against the vaccine.

But we can leave the world of vaccines and viruses and see just how badly the scientific community has been infested by leftism.

According to The Telegraph, the “experts” are now saying that scientists are now trying to “phase out binary language” by calling women “egg-producing” instead of “female.” Apparently, “female” is insulting to men who claim they’re female yet, being male, can’t do the things women can do naturally such as get pregnant and give birth:

The words “male” and “female” should be phased out in science because they reinforce ideas that sex is binary, scientists have suggested.

Researchers studying ecology and evolutionary biology should be encouraged to use terms such as “sperm-producing” or “egg producing” or “XY/XX individual” to avoid “emphasising hetero-normative views”, experts say.

Other words and terms deemed problematic include man, woman, mother, father, primitive, advanced, alien, invasive, exotic, non-native and race.

This is part of what’s being called the “Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Language Project, which the Telegraph describes as “a collaboration of scientists in the US and Canada who claim some terminology is not inclusive and could be harmful. ”

Even the term “survival of the fittest” should not be used anymore because it discriminates against disabled people, according to these new guidelines.

This isn’t science. Science is cold, calculating, impartial, and unconcerned with modernity. What you’re seeing here is a social standard being imposed on something that has no business obeying one social group or another. If science is to obey a social group and follow its rules, then it cannot be accurate in its conclusions.

Imagine a scientific world where facts and discovery aren’t the primary goals. We would experience a state of arrested development technologically, medically, and more. Our knowledge of everything from the human body to the stars above would deteriorate. Societal death would be inevitable as we lose ourselves in fantasy, unable to find solutions to our problems because the truth is locked away behind modern social constructs.

Meanwhile, mainstream politicians, the media, and the arts would all applaud these social “developments” as society burns around them.

It can’t be overstated. The mainstream is not your friend. In fact, it’s safe to say that in this day and age, it’s your enemy.


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