Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard might have been the last of the Democrats who had any sense of propriety and integrity, and while many would disagree with her politics, her ability to understand right and wrong can’t be overlooked.
For instance, as Democrats were doing their level best to ignore or make more excuses for the Project Veritas story that exposed the voter fraud helping Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s reelection, Gabbard was actually making statements denouncing the very obvious and provable fraud that was taking place right there, on video, for the world to see.
(READ: Project Veritas Blows Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme Connected to Ilhan Omar Wide Open)
Upon the video’s release by Project Veritas, Gabbard released a statement that Project Veritas offered “further evidence” of a need to ban ballot harvesting. She has been at the forefront of ballot harvesting prevention and is pushing legislation to make sure that elections are protected from it.
Sadly, Gabbard deleted this tweet, seemingly after massive blowback from her base. Project Veritas is widely considered a fraudulent investigative group by the left though they have presented no proof to back up their claims. Plus, she’s is still a Democrat, after all.
Still, Gabbard has pushed for ballot harvesting to be illegal and has stuck by her bill co-sponsored by Republican Rodney Davis, HR8285, which would help prevent fraud.
Banning ballot harvesting is not a partisan issue. It's been used & abused in states like North Carolina and California & is ripe for fraud.
That's why I intro'd HR8285, the Election Fraud Prevention Act w/ @RodneyDavis – to protect the integrity of our elections & our democracy pic.twitter.com/ltZhaenSVB
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 18, 2020
While at least one Democrat seems to get that fraud is bad, New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks that any belief about what Project Veritas is claiming is grounds for mob action, and went after Gabbard on Twitter as you’ll see.
.@TulsiGabbard – You, along with everyone else who amplified this fraudulent story, owe Rep. Omar a public apology. https://t.co/20FHctFFFs
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 6, 2020
AOC’s attack on Gabbard started after FOX9 (KMSP-TV) did an interview with the man at the center of the Project Veritas investigation, Liban Osman. Osman claimed that the Project Veritas video was fraudulent because it was edited to make it seem like he was collecting ballots from people and altering them himself. FOX9 called Project Veritas a misinformation organization and said that they attempted to bribe Osman into saying they were committing fraudulent acts.
CEO of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe, released a nine-minute video detailing how every bit of his organization released is true and that FOX9’s report effectively tried to give cover to the voter fraud going on.
You know what the difference, @LydenFOX9 between me and the other suckers you screw over? I fight back.
I don’t drink from the MSM poisoned chalice.
You will retract that lie or buckle up for litigation. When you retract it we’ll get a live Alpaca 🦙 pic.twitter.com/O126VEk4yP
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 7, 2020
Still, the tired narrative that Project Veritas somehow lied and made up a false scenario despite clear evidence is what’s going to stick, and AOC used the narrative to demand that Gabbard apologize for helping spread false information. Omar, whom the voter fraud was benefiting, spoke up as well and thanked AOC for speaking out, adding that the “lack of integrity from these folks is astonishing.”
Thank you Alex, lack of integrity from these folks is astonishing.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) October 6, 2020
There’s definitely a stunning lack of integrity, Omar.
Gabbard wasn’t going to take it lying down and did indeed apologize for referencing the Project Veritas story but the apology didn’t come alone. She immediately put the ball back into the Squad’s court.
“Now will you support HR8285 to get rid of voter harvesting which undermines our democracy? If not, why not?” asked Gabbard.
.@AOC @ilhanmn The issue is not about any of us. It's about voter harvesting. Ilhan, I apologize for referencing the PV story as an example without thoroughly vetting it. Now will you support HR8285 to get rid of voter harvesting which undermines our democracy? If not, why not?
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) October 6, 2020
Maybe not so surprisingly, neither Omar nor Ocasio-Cortez has responded with an affirmative answer. In fact, oddly enough, they seem to have lost all interest in this conversation at all. For a couple of people who are all about “integrity” they sure don’t want to keep the integrity of our voting system strong.
It’s almost as if ballot harvesting isn’t actually something that they’re at all concerned about. Judging by the Project Veritas video, perhaps they don’t want to help Gabbard because the concept of integrity is just a shield they’re using to mask the fact that they have none.
I don’t always agree with Gabbard, but I think she’s got the checkmate on this one.
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