Reading the Democrat Party 2020 Immigration Platform Proves Today's Claims of Wanting Reform Are Garbage

AP Photo/Andres Leighton

For over a week now there has been this warped news item concerning the Senate “Border Bill.” All of the gaslighting and misdirection involving this legislation has been an insult to the collective American mindset. Joe Biden claiming he needed the bill to take action at the border was just the start. Hell, naming this a “border bill” was itself a prevarication, given the thrust and the bulk of the spending in the legislation was focused on Ukraine.


There might have been no better example of how this border bill of goods was being sold than the minds at Vox attempting to say the Democrats wanted to pass what was being described as a “right-wing bill.” Just stop it; you are only embarrassing yourselves.

Much is revealed in just one simple fact: for years, we have been told there is no crisis at the southern border. Then seemingly overnight it became fashionable to say there is in fact a crisis and that Republicans don't want to do anything to fix things, the proof supposedly in the way this Senate bill was killed off so blithely. The claim has to ignore that the House not only crafted but it passed a stronger border bill last summer, and it sits on the shelf in the Senate.

To see just how vacant the insistence is that Democrats want to fix the border crisis, we need only look over their own words. In 2020, for that year’s general election, the DNC issued its party’s official platform, and in it, there was a detailed plan for addressing immigration. It can be summed up thusly: Trump has been a monster, so we will kick open the doors. There is little mystery as to what the intention has been when looking over this agenda.

First, everything proposed is based on the abject contempt felt for Donald Trump. Instead of pursuing a sensible, humane, and responsible approach to immigration that strengthens the United States, the Trump Administration has been callous, cruel, and reckless in the extreme. The only way to see extremist border policies is to insist that things have been extreme to begin with, you see. This Administration’s cruelty and dehumanization of immigrants stretches the imagination and shocks the conscience. Well, that sure sounds unimaginable! What will be done to fix this?! Let’s dissect the Democrat’s plan for the border at the time.



Democrats will rescind President Trump’s fabricated “National Emergency,” which siphons funding away from our men and women in uniform to construct an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border. [December 2023 saw the record set for most illegal arrivals into the country. Talk about fabricating an emergency…]

We will reinstate, expand, and streamline protections for Dreamers and the parents of American citizen children to keep families together in the communities they have long called home. [This has long been the linchpin to Democrat plans: ease them into the country and allow them to become entrenched, then pass DREAM legislation for those who have become quasi-citizens.]

We will reverse Trump Administration policies that prevent victims of gang and domestic violence, as well as LGBTQ+ people who are unsafe in their home countries, from being eligible to apply for asylum. [Allowing those same gang members into the country must be an unintended side-effect.]

Democrats believe it is long past time to provide a roadmap to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers, caregivers, students, and children who are an essential part of our economy and of the fabric of our nation. [Sure, if you can locate them after being turned loose into our interior.] 

We will fast-track this process for those workers who have been essential to the pandemic response and recovery efforts, including health care workers, farmworkers, and others. [Giving these immigrants a three-year period to turn up at their naturalization hearing is a “fast” track, you see.] 


We will also eliminate unfair barriers to naturalization, reduce application backlogs, and make our immigration processes faster, more efficient, and less costly. [All things the government is renowned for doing since…never.]

We support legislation to treat the spouses and children of green card holders as immediate relatives and end their unfair separation. We will eliminate family-based green card backlogs and reform the system to speed up family-based visas. [As Jimmy Buffet sang, “Everybody’s Got A Cousin In Miami”.] 

We believe we should expand, not reduce, the annual visa cap for victims of human trafficking, including victims of sex trafficking, violence against women and children, and other heinous crimes. [Once word gets out about this what do you suppose the percentage will be of new arrivals claiming this is their condition?]

We believe we should preserve the critical role of diversity preferences in our immigration system. [They want to apply DEI standards to the new arrivals, who are themselves already part of diversity groups?]

We will hold employers accountable, promote workers’ rights, and prioritize the enforcement of labor and employment laws across the economy. [They say this in the process of encouraging businesses and farming to hire illegals, in violation of existing labor law.] 

We believe detention should be a last resort, not the default. [Well, they have certainly ensured that this is currently the case.]


We will end for-profit detention centers and ensure that any facility where migrants are being detained is held to the highest standards of care and guarantees their safety and dignity. [Again, the government’s reputation in this capacity means that the word “ensure” is essentially worthless.]

We will ensure all detention centers provide access to competent interpreters who speak migrants’ native languages and dialects. [Melting pot? What melting pot??]

We will prioritize alternatives to detention for individuals with special vulnerabilities—those who are known to be suffering from serious physical or mental illness, who have disabilities, who are elderly, pregnant, or nursing, who demonstrate that they are primary caretakers of children or an infirm person… [This explains so many being turned out just to discover places to settle without oversight.]

…identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex, or whose detention is otherwise not in the public interest. [Trafficking mules will be coaching their customers to adopt the label “Latin-X” in order to be sprung quickly.]

Democrats will implement robust mechanisms for oversight, accountability, and transparency to ensure immigration agencies abide by our values, the U.S. Constitution, and international law. [This has led to not enforcing our border sanctity in violation of the Constitution.]

Democrats believe immigration judges should be able to operate free of inappropriate political influence. [You have to love this turn of phrase; operating under appropriate political influence is apparently acceptable.]


A 21st-century immigration system that honors our values is an essential prerequisite not just to recovering from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, but to strengthening our democracy and guaranteeing America’s long-term economic competitiveness. [This has worked out so well that the administration has called to stop using the term “Bidenomics,” so his name is not attached to the lack of economic recovery since taking office.]

That’s why Democrats believe in improving and increasing opportunities for legal, permanent immigration. Our family, humanitarian, and diversity pathways have contributed immeasurably to the vibrancy and productivity of American society and should continue to be the centerpiece of our immigration system. [TRANSLATION: Expanding the Democratic Party voting base.]

This platform shows the intention all along has been to roll out the alfombra roja and take a dismissive attitude towards the massive influx coming across the border. Joe Biden has spent time not bolstering the immigration system but in commanding border agents to step down and suing states that choose to protect the border themselves. For anyone in the Democrat party or the press to say today they are pushing for stricter border laws is a sitcom punchline. They have flouted current laws and stripped away other enforcement. 

Attempting to insist today they suddenly oppose three years of carefree application of those laws smacks of nothing more than desperation.



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