Kamala Harris Is Laughably Desperate, and Her Latest Moves Prove It

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

It's incredible how quickly things can change in politics. In August, Vice President Kamala Harris was riding a surge of manufactured "joy," backed by a mountain of positive press and an avalanche of donor cash. Spilling into early September, the polling landscape was still pretty friendly to her, and she was on the verge of building an air of inevitability. Others warned, though, that the sugar high would soon fade. 


Harris' fortunes have completely reversed in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. At the same time, the national polling has tightened to the point where the Republican electoral college advantage could sweep Donald Trump into the White House. The vice president is no longer feeling the "joy," and her desperation has become palpable. 

What was once a focused if not overly cautious campaign has become a flailing mess.

SEE: Harris on Colbert May Be Her Most Inauthentic, Cringe Interview Ever

While there are several problem areas for Harris, none is more concerning than her lack of connection to male voters. Who could have guessed that having Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) on the ticket wouldn't represent a boon of masculine outreach? 

So with less than three weeks before election day, the Harris campaign is throwing everything against the wall. First and foremost, she's trying to get on Joe Rogan's top-rated podcast. 

Forget the polls. If Harris, who struggles to do short, pre-taped interviews with left-wing networks like CBS News, wants to go on Rogan, she knows she's crashing and burning. To put it simply, this is not something she'd do if she didn't feel like she was losing. Rogan's show is live and long. Harris would be expected to discuss a wide range of topics, including facing questions she hasn't been asked before, without knowing a friendly group of editors is going to copy and paste her answers to cover up her fumbles. 


That's not the only tell, though. Harris also recently rushed out a plan for black men, which included giving "one million forgivable loans" and federally legalizing weed. 

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. Harris and her party see black men as nothing more than helpless weed addicts in need of a hand-out. Will this move change the calculus that has seen Trump gain ground with one of the Democratic Party's strongest demographics? I would guess not. Again, this all feels incredibly haphazard. You can almost picture Harris' handlers sitting around a table, trying to brainstorm how to appeal to men, with some staffer saying, "What if we promise black guys free money and legal weed?"

With that said, do you want to know the biggest piece of evidence that Harris is floundering? She's now going to appear on Fox News in an interview with Bret Baier.

SEE: Grab the Popcorn! Desperate Kamala Harris Finally Agrees to Fox News Interview

That would be the same Bret Baier who was going to moderate the debate Harris refused to show up for. She and her campaign have long spurned Fox News, suggesting there's no reason for her to appear on the network. Yet, here she is, coming to do an interview in the waning moments of the presidential race. 


What does that tell you? It tells you that she's desperate. I don't know what the final tally will be when all the votes are counted, but I know that Harris thinks that she's going to lose if something doesn't change. How effective will all of this be? I'd speculate not very. Men aren't robots just waiting for the vice president to reprogram them by showing up on Joe Rogan's show. I also think black men aren't so easily swayed by shallow, somewhat insulting promises either.


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