The Press Rush to Put Lipstick on the Pig, but the Tim Walz Pick Is a Disaster for Democrats

Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune via AP, Pool

Politically speaking, I've never been more happy to be wrong. For the better part of a week, all signs pointed to Josh Shapiro being the vice presidential choice for Kamala Harris. Never mind that he, by far, made the most electoral sense. 


Shapiro is a popular governor in the must-win state of Pennsylvania. Had he been on the ticket, it would have been an exceptionally difficult obstacle for Donald Trump to overcome. Yet, in a surprise move, Harris chose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, almost certainly because Shapiro is Jewish and the far-left antisemites in the Democratic Party have been in the middle of throwing a fit over his possible selection.

SEE: After a Week of Speculation, Kamala Harris Selects Her Running Mate

Who is Walz? He's a Bernie Sanders clone whose record is so left-wing that Trump could run a new ad every single day from now until the election. That didn't stop the press from quickly trying to put lipstick on the pig, though. In the aftermath of the news, CBS News described him as a "centrist" who likes to cook casseroles. 

Axios also brought out the clean-up crew, doing its best to soften the connection between Walz and the radical left. Instead of just admitting he's a socialist, they described his policy positions as "leaning into disagreements." 


That above framing is insane and objectively false. Walz is as far-left as you can get, to the point where he competes with Gavin Newsom as the most radical governor in the country. He let his state burn during the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, choosing to coddle criminals instead of taking action. He signed a bill putting tampons into boys' bathrooms. He believes biological males should compete against females in sports. He took the side of teachers' unions over students during COVID. He has praised socialism as just being "neighborly." He has defended sanctuary cities. He even changed Minnesota's flag to look like the Somali flag to appease the Islamists in his state.

I could keep going, but if you want absolute proof of how insanely far-left Walz is, just look at who is celebrating his selection. 

The worst Democrats you know aren't overjoyed at Walz being picked because he's a "centrist" who likes cooking. They see him not just as an ally, but as one of them. That's because he is. There is no sugarcoating his record. Walz is insanely liberal, and the Trump campaign now has a chance to reset the race. 


READ: 'Most Left-Wing Ticket': No Mercy Shown in Republican Responses to Walz VP Pick

With all that said, I think this is a disaster for Democrats. It's not decisive because I'm not convinced anything can be decisive three months out from election day, but a disaster nonetheless. Shapiro was obviously passed over because he's Jewish. Democrats are so scared of their own base that they gave away a golden opportunity to lock up a must-win state. 

That's left the most left-wing ticket in presidential history on the ballot. Minnesota is not a swing state, and if Republicans take advantage, they can regain the momentum in the battleground states. No amount of press gaslighting will change who Walz is, and it's time to let everyone know. 


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