New Poll Spells Doom for Biden in Michigan, As Gretchen Whitmer Does Inflatable Tube Man Impression

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

With Joe Biden once again reiterating his commitment to stay in the 2024 presidential race, new data out of Michigan suggests he may win one battle only to lose the war.


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According to the Detroit Free Press poll, Biden is now down a whopping seven points in a state that appeared to be trending dark blue just a couple of years ago. That's a four-point shift toward Donald Trump since the last iteration of the survey, which was done just before the first presidential debate. 

The poll showed Trump, who held a rally in Grand Rapids on Saturday evening, leading Biden 49%-42% in a head-to-head matchup, with 9% undecided, saying they would vote for neither or refusing to answer. In a five-way race, Trump led with 43% to 36% for Biden, 8% for independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 2% each for Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West. Again 9% said they either would not vote for president, pick someone else or were undecided.

The timing here is interesting because this poll was in the field after the assassination attempt against Trump. That could be a driving factor here, but it's important to remember that Biden was already in trouble in Michigan even before the debate. It's likely a combination of factors that has led to the president now getting his doors blown off. That's a good thing for Trump because it suggests his lead is built on a stable foundation and not just a momentary reaction to any given news cycle. 


Just how bad are things for Biden? He's losing in Detroit. 

Trump led in every region of the state, including in metro Detroit — defined as Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties and seen as the most predominantly Democratic region in Michigan — where he held a slim but remarkable 46%-44% edge in the head-to-head matchup with Biden and a 43%-38% margin in the five-way race.

Trump's lead in metro Detroit is a significant indicator of how the political winds have changed for Biden, who four years ago, beat Trump 56%-40% in the region.

If Trump is winning in Detroit or even within ten points on election night, he's winning the state and the election. No matter, though. Democrats have a plan. They are going to trot out Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to turn the tables.

WHITMER: Welcome to Michigan Donald Trump and JD Vance. Here are three things you should know about our great state. One, here, we protect reproductive freedom. We're not interested in your national abortion ban. Two, we always find ways to put money back in Michiganers' pockets by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, education, housing, and so much more. And three, we're a proud union state, and UAW workers here still remember when Donald Trump broke his promises to Michigan workers. Oh, and one more thing. Michigan is gonna reject your extreme Project 2025 agenda. Have a good trip!


What a flailing mess. Everything she says there is false, from the lie that Trump supports a national abortion ban to the falsehood that he's supportive of "Project 2025." You know what, though? It doesn't even matter because the lies aren't working. After Whitmer posted that, Trump and Vance went on to hold a massive rally, and the next morning this poll showing the tandem up seven points was released. Whitmer is spitting into the wind, no matter how much Karen energy she emits while filming selfie videos.


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