Kamala Harris Reassures Democrat Donors: 'Remain Calm! All is Well!'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Kamala Harris spoke with at least 300 major Democrat donors on Friday, assuring them that despite the evidence of their own senses, all was well with Joe Biden and that the Biden/Harris ticket was still the best shot at a Democrat victory over the resurgent Donald Trump.


That is a massive overstretching of the willing suspension of disbelief.

Vice President Kamala Harris held a brief conference with the Democratic Party's top donors yesterday in a show of support for her running mate.

Harris spoke with approximately 300 major Democratic Party donors on Friday, telling them there was nothing to worry about within President Biden's campaign, despite the media kerfuffle.

"I will start by sharing something with all of you, something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave, and tell your friends too," Harris told the donors, according to multiple reports. "We are going to win this election. We are going to win."

A brief internet search uncovered this re-enactment of that assurance from the vice president.

Harris went on:

Harris spoke to donors via video for approximately five minutes, championing the Biden administration and sharply criticizing former President Donald Trump's rhetoric at the Republican National Convention.

"Let me be clear: Trump’s convention this week was one big attempt to distract people," Harris reportedly told donors. "He wants to distract attention away from his record and his Project 2025 plan. Can you believe they put it in writing? It is further empirical evidence that the stakes of this election couldn’t be higher."


Note: Trump has disavowed the Project 2025 Plan. Apparently the vice president's people either failed to fact-check that claim in advance, or the vice president is dissembling - or both.

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Let's take a closer look at her statements.

"I will start by sharing something with all of you, something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave, and tell your friends too," Harris told the donors, according to multiple reports. "We are going to win this election. We are going to win."

Kamala Harris, never one to let the truth get in the way of a good screed, can't possibly believe this pile of horse squeeze in her "heart of hearts" or even in her kidneys, liver, or spleen. She has to be aware of the fact that, barring some unfathomable calamity, November will see the election of Donald Trump and JD Vance, and January of 2025 will see the premiere of Trump II, "This Time it's Personal."

Granted, she probably thinks she's doing what must be done, no matter how much corral litter she is required to shovel. As long as the pretense remains that Joe Biden is anything but a shambling, incoherent wreck, the Democrat campaign needs to appease the monied interests that provide the stream of financing. If she has to engage in an activity much like what I had to do when I was cleaning livestock pens in my uncle's auction barn when I was a kid, well, then, we can assume that's what she will do.


But this is a house of cards that just can't stand much longer.


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