The push to get Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential race continues. The New York Times is now reporting that Obama himself saw how senile the president was at an infamous Los Angeles fundraiser back in mid-June.
At the time, essentially all mainstream press outlets rushed to dismiss the viral video showing Biden freezing for multiple seconds on stage before being led off by the former president.
Biden freezes before Obama grabs his arm and leads him off stage. Yikes! π³
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 16, 2024
That incident began the now-defunct "cheap-fakes" campaign from the White House. Here was Karine Jean-Pierre's response two days after the fundraiser.
SEE: Karine Jean-Pierre Responds to Video of Biden Being Senile, and Her Answer Is Astonishing
JEAN-PIERRE: Yeah, and I think you all have called this the cheap fakes video. They are "cheap fakes" video, they are done in bad faith, and some of your news organization have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact-checkers, have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation, and so we see this, and this is something coming from your part of the world calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.
Later in that same presser, Jean-Pierre cited a statement from Obama denying there was anything out of the ordinary going on with Biden that night. The former president's senior adviser also posted on social media that "this did not happen."
JEAN-PIERRE: Let me speak to the most recent, and as we saw on Saturday, President Obama's office put out a statement so I would refer you to that statement about what was being accused in those, by others, and he said this did not happen in the sense of what people were saying, saying they were seeing, right? Or what was being falsely reported that they were seeing.
Let's not forget, President Obama, President Biden have a relationship. They are friends. They are family to each other, and I think that's what you saw.
this did not happen
β Eric Schultz (@EricSchultz) June 16, 2024
Conveniently, that story has changed. According to the Times, Biden was so "disoriented" during that fundraiser that Obama was "shaken" by his condition.
Obama's unseen but clearly felt presence has brought a Shakespearean quality to the drama now playing out. One former aide at last month's Hollywood fundraiser said Obama seemed shaken by how much Biden had aged and appeared disoriented.
β Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) July 19, 2024
I want to point out the obvious here. When given the chance to tell the truth, Obama and his underlings lied to everyone. They didn't just abstain from commenting on Biden's troubles at the fundraiser. They came out publicly and countered them. They claimed that anyone who pointed out his senility was pushing disinformation, giving the press everything they needed to run with the "cheap-fakes" nonsense.
Only when it became apparent that Biden staying in the race would cost Democrats power did Obama and friends decide to tell the truth. That's not something that should be lauded or reported with a straight face, as Peter Baker did by not even mentioning the contradiction at play. Instead, the Times called the latest comments "Shakespearean." Where was the pushback in June when it was so obvious Obama was lying?
Obama's own senior advisor called this a lie at the time and journalists had no further questions. They all lied.
β Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 20, 2024
Obama lied to Peter and other journalists about that fundraiser and all he can muster is some stuff about Shakespeare.
β Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 20, 2024
There will never be another figure with as much control over the press as Obama. It's astonishing the level of deference they apply to him. If he says Biden isn't senile, they fall in line and begin a relentless campaign to push that narrative. If he says Biden is senile, they kiss his feet and thank him for being such a truthful statesman. The only constant is reporting Obama's words as unimpeachable, no matter how many times his dishonesty is revealed.
Regardless, it's all too little, too late. Even if Biden does drop out, and that's looking less and less likely, no one in the Democratic Party has clean hands, including Obama, who is obviously trying to orchestrate this entire thing. They knew about Biden's condition and they lied to the faces of every voter in America. Their late-game shift, which is wholly out of political convenience, counts for absolutely nothing.
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