Karine Jean-Pierre Responds to Videos of Biden Being Senile, and Her Explanation Is Astonishing

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden's tenure as president has been punctuated by a consistent stream of videos showing him appearing senile in public. Still, the last few weeks may have set a new peak. Almost every day, new clips from various events, stateside and overseas, paint a bleak picture of the president's physical and mental health. 


SEE: More Bumbling Confusion From Biden at the G7

Most recently, while Biden was in Italy for the G7, multiple videos surfaced showing other world leaders having to lead him around as if he were an invalid.

To this point, the White House's response has been to tell people not to believe their eyes and ears. Biden's handlers claim he's so mentally fit behind closed doors that he runs circles around them. Meanwhile, he can't give a speech without becoming unintelligible

Who are you going to believe? People whose entire careers depend on Biden being re-elected or what's plain as day on the tape? 

Which brings me to the White House's new excuse. Because what's on these various videos is so damning and undeniable, Karine Jean-Pierre has now taken to simply claiming they are "cheap fakes."


JEAN-PIERRE: Yeah, and I think you all have called this the cheap fakes video. They are "cheap fakes" video, they are done in bad faith, and some of your news organization have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact-checkers, have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation, and so we see this, and this is something coming from your part of the world calling them cheap fakes and misinformation. 

For clarity, I transcribed the above word for word, and all the bad grammar belongs to Jean-Pierre. You'd think a prerequisite for being a White House press secretary would be having the ability to speak somewhat clearly. 

Regardless, I'll admit to not being familiar with the term "cheap fake." After looking it up, the definition appears to be essentially the same as deep fake, which is to suggest a video has been manipulated or falsely produced with AI. To be clear, none of the videos in question fit that description. Jean-Pierre and the press outlets she is citing are simply lying. 


Later in the press conference, another reporter asked about Obama having to lead Biden off the stage at a recent California fundraiser. Here was her response.

JEAN-PIERRE: Let me spoke to the most recent, and as we saw on Saturday, President Obama's office put out a statement so I would refer you to that statement about what was being accused in those, by others, and he said this did not happen in the sense of what people were saying, saying they were seeing, right? Or what was being falsely reported that they were seeing. 

Let's not forget, President Obama, President Biden have a relationship. They are friends. They are family to each other, and I think that's what you saw. 

I'm not sure what being family to each other has to do with Biden freezing up and having to be led off the stage, but it is notable that Jean-Pierre is basically left telling people not to believe their lying eyes. You see, you should believe a statement from Barack Obama instead of what you actually saw. Isn't that convenient?


It's astonishing how dishonest these people are. The videos that are making the rounds have not been altered. They are not "cheap fakes." They show exactly what has been reported, which is that Biden is increasingly struggling to maintain awareness in public. The White House can lie about it in conjunction with The Washington Post and other friendly outlets, but the cat is out of the bag at this point. Americans know. 


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