Joe Biden Suffers Severe Confusion Over Donald Trump, and That Was Just the Beginning

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

To point out that Joe Biden suffers bouts of senility every time he speaks publicly is to comment on the fact that the sun rose. You just expect it at this point. Some appearances are worse than others, though, and the president's speech on Wednesday was a perfect example of that. 


Appearing in Colorado to give yet another misleading speech on "Bidenomics," the president claimed to have "cut the deficit by $7 billion," and that was the most sentient point he made despite being completely false. 

With that out of the way, let's get to the real story of the speech, which is Biden's steep mental decline. Whoever is heading up the drug cocktail team at this point is clearly in over their heads. To be fair, though, no one has ever faced a challenge like this. Imagine trying to get the dosage just right only to end up with this result.

Why? Why keep putting him out there, when they know he's going to fall all over himself like this? At what point in the last three years did Biden provide any evidence he could successfully read a teleprompter and not stumble all over himself? It's one thing to go out there and gaslight about the economy. Almost all presidents do that to some degree or another, but the current president isn't even capable of doing that.


I guess it's a good thing that Biden is so senile that none of his lies pass muster, but it's also a blackeye on a nation that relies on the projection of strength to maintain its place in the world order. What is strong about not being able to even read a teleprompter? 

Rest assured, though, those two instances were not his worst flubs. That is reserved for Biden's chastizing of "Congressman Trump."

BIDEN: We could use it to strengthen the Social Security and Medicare system instead of cutting Congressman Trump and (completely unintelligible) wanna do.

What in the world? Obviously, Donald Trump is not and has never been a congressman, but what was the second name he tried to mention? I've listened a half dozen times and I can't begin to make out who he's referring to. This man is the president, and he can't even remember what office his chief opponent held. I mean, come on. 

Never mind that what he's saying is false. One of the strikes against Trump among fiscal conservatives is that he doesn't want to cut or reform social security (raise the retirement age, etc.). Biden is just outright lying about that, and there's also no plan in Congress being pushed by Republicans to do that either. 


What an embarrassment. Well over 300 million people in the United States, and this is the best we could do? Really? 

Editor's Note: This article has been updated to note that President Biden said $7 billion rather than $7 trillion. We apologize for the error.


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