YouTube Goes After Matt Walsh, and We Should All Care

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh has had himself a week. It started with his phone being hacked, leading to his Twitter account then being used to post racist messages. Personal conversations were also put online.


Now, YouTube is going after Walsh as well. The video-hosting giant has decided to demonetize the podcaster’s channel, not because he said anything remotely outrageous, but because he won’t use the “preferred” pronouns of mentally ill individuals. That also included a threat to ban Walsh’s channel if he doesn’t comply, which would stop his show from earning revenue even with sponsored, in-content ads.

Walsh is a divisive guy, and I don’t say that as an insult. He lays it out there and makes no apologies, and agree or disagree with his positions, I respect his honesty. Someone of a more libertarian bent probably isn’t a fan. Regardless, it shouldn’t matter whether you personally like Walsh’s approach or not because there’s only one thing you need to understand: The transgender monster is coming for us all.


There is no middle ground on this issue. You can’t simply relegate opposition to transgender ideology to concerns about children or women’s sports, even if those fights are easier to gain support for. It is a harmful, corrosive ideology that is tearing at the very social fabric of not just the United States, but countries all over the world. Transgenderism doesn’t just demand you tolerate the delusions of others. It demands you affirm them or face total destruction. Right now, that comes in the form of ever-expanding financial pressure, but if Europe is any guide, legal pressure via criminal charges isn’t far behind.

It’s mind-boggling to think how far things have progressed in just the last ten years, and in some ways, Republicans share in the blame for how we got here. Again, there is no middle ground on the transgender issue, yet many on the right have tried to seek some out. The equation is simple here, though. One either believes a man can become a woman (and vice versa) or they don’t.

I’m not suggesting that the government can or should be used to stop a man from wearing a dress, but I am suggesting that conservatives must speak out against transgender ideology as a broader concept. You can’t pal around with Caitlyn Jenner and then claim that transgenderism is harmful. You can’t point out the absurdity of Lea Thomas dominating women’s swimming while using his “preferred” pronouns (yeah, I’m looking directly at Fox News).


To reiterate, though, it doesn’t even matter in the long run how much one tries to hedge. The transgender monster is coming for you. It demands total subservience. You will never buy enough goodwill for it to leave you alone. That’s why I side with Walsh’s view on this. Transgenderism as an ideology must be exposed and pushed back on. Anything short of that is just delaying the inevitable and is destined to fail.


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