Remember when we were assured that the only reason Portland wasn’t peaceful was because federal “troops” (which were really law enforcement protecting federal property) were present? Yeah, about that.
Widespread violence, and destruction by mobs of people claiming to be Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters continue to lay siege to parts of the city. Last night, things got wild enough that the Portland Police Bureau declared a riot yet again. After more than twenty warnings, things touched off with “protesters” attempting to assault the police officers.
PPB starts the clear the area after around 20 warnings. pic.twitter.com/Md56S1dmRJ
— Kalen From Scriberr (@FromKalen) August 16, 2020
Then this happened. A guy learned multiple times why you don’t rush the police. Be sure to watch until
After 25-30 warnings via LRAD starting at 22:52 PPB responded appropriately to clear the area. Those who wrongfully decided to stay and agitate officers were met with CCMs and force. This should not be a surprise. pic.twitter.com/G9eb3BKQeJ
— Kalen From Scriberr (@FromKalen) August 16, 2020
Yeah, I would say that’s a good case for listening when they tell you to disperse. And contrary to any claims this is government overreach or such, these groups had clearly turned violent, as is documented on the timeline of the reporter who posted this video. At some point, order has to be enacted and that point was reached at around midnight Pacific time. This guy gets pepper sprayed several times after he continues to charge. He then gets shot with some kind of non-lethal round at least twice as he keeps yelling threats.
I suspect no lessons will be learned here though. Portland is out of control because their mayor allowed it to get to this point. Unfortunately, his opponent is a crazy communist, so there’s no relief in sight.
(Please follow me on Twitter!!! @bonchieredstate)
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