A slight break from politics for the moment — until the end of the interview. Listen to hear how Drew Brees answers the last question.
Even highly paid athletes aren’t invulnerable when it comes to economic downturns. Over the past few years in the National Football League, we’ve seen a long list of players experience the ramifications of poor financial decisions. According to a report by Sports Illustrated, 78% of NFL players are bankrupt or facing financial pressure within two years of leaving the league. This summer, quarterback Mark Brunell was forced to declare bankruptcy at age 40, despite a long career in which he earned more than $50 million.
Today Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees talks to us about his own financial experiences, and his project, launched with the backing of VISA, to provide financial education for young people and particularly young athletes. Called Financial Football, you can read more about the project and play its interactive game at practicalmoneyskills.com.
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