Much of US Aid Meant for Gaza Being Stolen - Is Anyone Really Shocked?

U.S. Army via AP

If there is one fact that constantly escapes Democrats and the left, it is that people in other countries, from different cultures, don't think the same twisted way they do. For Democrats, it is all kittens and sunshine, Kumbaya, and can't we all just get along? You might think that the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war would burst that bubble, but it seems that has not happened. When Joe Biden has not been busy throwing Israel under the bus, he has ordered millions of American taxpayer dollars in aid to Gaza. But are women and children in Gaza seeing any of that aid? If you guessed no, you would be right. 


On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder stated that none of the 569 tons sent in just the last week for Palestinians in Gaza has actually reached them; it has all been stolen. Ryder explained that the way the aid distribution is set up is that the U.S. military delivers it via the floating pier that was built by the military. From there, non-US contractors transport it to an assembly area where various NGOs take it for distribution. Well, what looks good on paper doesn't always happen, especially in the Middle East. Aid is also being transported to distribution warehouses around Gaza.  

Recently, of 16 trucks bringing food and medicine en route to one of the warehouses in Gaza, only five made it to the warehouse intact; supplies from the other 11 were stolen as the trucks traveled through an area that has not seen much aid. One U.N. official said, "They've not seen trucks for a while. They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels."

But in typical fashion, if the world can find something to blame Israel for, they will do it. The U.N. World Food Program stated that Joe Biden's $320 million Pier designed for humanitarian aid to Gaza is in jeopardy if Israel does not ensure the safety of trucks transporting the aid. But what the U.N. or anyone else is not talking about is the fact that it is more than likely Hamas terrorists are stealing the aid and have been doing it for quite a while. There have even been reports that U.N. employees steal it and resell it.


Again, while an American military-made pier for delivery of aid to people who need it may have been a great idea on paper, that is not what really happens, and it appears as if those in the Biden administration are the only folks who can't figure that out. Then there is the fact of the pier itself. It is right there in the open, flappin' in the breeze, complete with American soldiers. What if it is attacked? That area had already been peppered with mortar fire by Palestinian terrorists in the "marshaling area" even before the pier was constructed. Security analysts say there is also the threat of rocket fire, attack drones, and divers or speedboats carrying explosives. How many Americans is Joe Biden willing to put in harm's way for some aid that everyone else knew was going to be stolen?

But with Hamas gangs controlling 70 percent of the aid and many store owners belonging to Hamas, who then inflate the prices of goods for the average Gaza resident, Hamas knows that international leftist politicians and media will blame Israel for starving Gazans. Joe Biden has positioned himself and the U.S. as willing dupes, and as usual, the American taxpayer foots the bill for the pier boondoggle.


While Maj. Gen. Ryder also stated that "alternative routes" are being worked out to ensure humanitarian aid gets to where it is needed, Joe Biden will continue to pretend the theft is not taking place and tout the pier for aid to Gaza to win Arab-American votes in Michigan. Is anyone shocked yet?


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